What song do you like RJA to have a music video from their new album?

Personally, I'd like to see what they can come up with STEP RIGHT UP, I love that song.

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the song believe! i really love it and their song pull me back!
I think the song Pen and Paper or Godspeed. That would be great!
pleads and postcards :] that will be awesome!!
or step right up...!!
pen and paper would be the next.... but i like them to do a vid for step right up and see how cheesy it would get... hehehehe... oh, and by a gazillion chance.... i want to direct that vid for them! hehehehe!!!!! been conceptualizing vids for misery loves its company, grim goodbye, and damn regret for some time now.... but hey...i know that will never happen.... maybe i'll just make a montage to satistfy my wanting...hahahaha!
I'm for Godspeed *_*
The video may be AMAZING!
I think "Godspeed" would make a very emotional video
Lonely Road, Represent and Pull Me Back
TRY to imagine ronnie only knows that there will be a peace committee with the rebels and they ride a boat then suddenly they hear a gun fire and then ►►"You put me on a boat across the sea, In the name of victory But much to my surprise when I arrived There was no welcoming committee Instead there was some men for me to kill And now I see all this is all too real".

TRY to imagine Ronnie winter is the soldier with his band and the line "When I took his life
He fell to his knees and as his eyes began to fade he whispered softly"



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Apple http://apple.redjumpsuit.com

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Amazon http://amazon.redjumpsuit.com

FREE http://free.redjumpsuit.com


PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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