it's really easy.. go to look up your name, and copy and paste whatever it says. (:
i've seen this done before, it's really funny. :D


An exotically splendid name for people of the female gender. The name is given to children who display unparalled beauty and intelligence. The name has also been known to be given to
children that display Goddess-like qualities that surpass all mortal

a gorgeous girl who usually hides lots of secrets inside her. she sometimes has low-self esteem, but she'll always be there for you if you need her. She chooses her best friends over her boyfriends, and has a
great sense of fashion. She usually falls for skater-scene rebel boys.
She's very humorous, and she loves laughing. She wants to be everyone's
friend. She loves alternative music, but will enjoy going to most
concerts. Naomi is usually a daredevil, and is willing to take on any
dare. However, she's also very smart, and loves helping the world.

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7 different ones:
1 A happy person who is a good listener and reliable friend. Likes to party and is always there when you need her.
2 the name katie is usualy given to one who happens to be exceptionaly well at pleasing their partner. katie's happen to be very good at making the opposite sex rather "turned on". one would not regret having been with a katie.
3 An absolutetly gorgeous person. Someone who is so amazingly beautiful its almost physically impossible.
4 A happy, friendly person who likes to be around friends and gives lots of hugs
5 The most beautiful, intelligent, wonderful girl. She is wiser beyond her years. Her frienship means the world to me. She had dreams greater than anyone and I believe she can achieve them all. She's to good for the boys. If you're not her friend, you're missing out!
6 A common name used in America and Canada. It comes from the greek Katharos meaning 'pure". Short for several names succh as Kathleen, Kathryn, Katherine, Catherine.
The first woman of record to have bprne the name was Saint Katherina who was put to death for her beliefs. The crusaders were evidently moved by her story because they carried news of St. Katherina back with them to Europe and began to name their daughters in her honor
7 a supah fly chick with a crazy life,
usually enjoys parties.

I am mostly like 4, if I do say so myself!









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