Cross Country and Track are sports that you cant play but a lot of people say that it is not a sport at all. That running is so "easy" to do... yes you can get outside and run around but, running like I do takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Running not only take physical strength but also mental as well. Running is one of the hardest sports there is and if you take more than a week off then you will be starting from step one again. Most of the people that critisize this sport (which was the first sport ever) are the people that play football... and i have play football i does take some tallent as well but it has nothing on the pain you go through training for a race. And football would not be anything if there were no such thing as running, as well as a lot of other sports.

What I want to know is...what do you think about this do you agree or disagree?

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i totally agree! running is so difficult, and it is true, if you don't continue training you'll have to start all over again. so many things count, eating right, training everyday, knowing how to breathe, so it is a sport.
Yup, we know that running is dead hard, & i dont like when we have 2
nasty man, ent? running gets me annoyed when he makes us do it.
Yeah It's hard, I did track and field for my previous school. It's not as easy at it looks.
i agree, i do cross country and track (1 & 2 mile event), you have to train yourself mentally and physically to run, especially for long distances. But its important to take atleast 2 weeks off, after your cross country season ends, so you dont burn yourself out, when track season starts
by the way i went to states for cross country this year (in florida) =))))









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