So i hope you all know what swine flu is,, So i was thinking...Who is getting the shot? If you remember some time ago a shot much like this one made poeple more sick then they were befor,,not sure when or with what flu but it did. If you are getting the shot then ok, if not then ok i'm just wana know so i can tell why some one got sick with it. I was also hoping you chould tell me how meny poeple you know that has or did have the swine flu. Well anyways stay safe and i lugz you all byes for now =]
Permalink Reply by Nino on October 26, 2009 at 9:34pm
Well, the Swine Flu shot has some toxins in it that can be dangerous to people with certain health problems. For example, a boy who had a heart murmur couldn't get it because the "ingredients" in the shot were not good for his heart problem. I am not getting the Swine Flu shot because most doctors are advising against it. Just buy some Lysol and it will kill many types of Flu, including the H1N1 virus. Besides, who knows what effects this shot may have in three months, six months, a year. But yes, the regular flu shot is a good idea, i'm getting it. :)