Me and my friends are invited to play atleast 3 songs for a gig. But we haven't select songs yet. and i'll be their vocalist. whoaha. i'm getting nervous. so guys. what the red jumpsuit apparatus songs would be the best to play? i can't choose beacause all of their songs are the best. so can you guys help to choose? it's okay to suggest a song with screams, i can manage to scream. (even if after screaming for a song i actually having a sore throat. hahaha)



i hope to do it really nice. XDD



please. please. suggest,.!! :)))

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I suggest:
Am I the enemy
Where are the heroes
Pen & paper
21 & Up

Those are great cause I played them at my gig
And damn it was amazing! :P
nice choice of songs!! haha..
i would definitely do Pen and Paer, and probably Face Down (that's an epic song to hear live). If you have a good voice you could do Your Guardian Angel, but that does depend on you XD

i have done your guardian angel. fortunately i have reached the high notes. XD they cheered and like it.. :))


Good good! :)

Now if I'd been singing it, several people's eardrums would have commited suicide... XD

Id say yga too. But also step right up, or dive too deep. Or lonely road
ah.. great songs!! i'm thinking. do you think i can do Lonely Road? i'm nervous!! geezz!!
Its not very hard to sing. U shud b able to do it just fine.

haha.. well. it doesn't matter how easy a song is.. my problem is I'm nervous!! haha!! and because of that maybe i'll fail.. hopefully not.. haha XD



woaha.................!!!!!!! next week is the presentation.. O.o

Good luck!

You'll do fine.

Your guardian angel is probably the best one to do for a public preformance i think. If uz in vegas i play yga prty dang good:P

thanks ellen.. XD



@tommy. woaha.. good for you!!









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