Dear Music Lovers,

By now we hope that you’ve heard that Oasis, Snow Patrol, Bullet for My Valentine, Panic at the Disco, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Zebra & Giraffe, Cassette, aKing (CPT only), Dirty Skirts and Foto na Dans are playing the Coca-Cola Zero Festival in Johannesburg on the 10th April 2009 and in Cape Town on the 13th April 2009.

That is 10-hours of music from some of the world’s top rock royalty and if this hasn’t taken your breath away then how about these amazing specials for those fans who are feeling the economic pinch this year - If you and 2 of your friends buy your general admission tickets together you’ll only pay R325 per ticket, a saving of R50 per ticket! BUT wait that’s not all… If you are very popular and you and 4 of your friends buy your general admission tickets together you’ll only pay R300 per ticket, a saving of R75 per ticket! To take advantage of this offer you need to go to any Computicket outlet before the 27th March 2009 so hurry to avoid disappointment.

The Coca-Cola Zero Fest will take place at Johannesburg’s New Market Racecourse on Friday, 10 April 2009 and Cape Town’s Ostrich Farm on Monday, 13 April 2009.

The following international bands will be rocking Joburg and Cape Town:

* Oasis
* Bullet for my Valentine
* Snow Patrol
* Panic at the Disco

The local bands playing at the 2009 Coca Cola Zero Fest are as follows:

* Zebra and Giraffe
* The Dirty Skirts

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