
I got LR for my birthday (i live in the UK, so have had to get it shipped out) the other day and it says on the insert about bonus content, but apparently it's not available in the UK, what is it?

so pysched for the new album!!!

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Since I live in the Netherlands I can't access it either, but from what I've heard it's some videos and stuff like that.
cool, thanks. it sucks that the EU can't access this, is there anyway that someone could sort this out so we can? LR=Aaamazing!
LOL, i feel the same.
I think it's the You Better Pray music video that you can download for free or something. I already forgot since that album was released like almost a year ago.
I can't access it too =( I'm from Philippines.
No shit, Sherlock.

Srsly, you guys should get over it. It's been over a year ago & its not like you can't watch the video on youtube.

All it enabled me to do is put the video on my iPod and that's it. If you want that, go install the Youtube Downloader and convert all the youtube vids you want so that your stupid iPod can recognize the file. Now, if you have an iPhone, then just access your web and go to youtube whenever you want to watch that it.

I mean really, it's not worth whining about. EVERYONE has an access to that video one way or another.
oh, well sorry, I wasn't complaining, I was just wondering! Just because we live outside the US doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to access this stuff when we have to pay MORE to get it imported.
"it sucks that the EU can't access this, is there anyway that someone could sort this out so we can?"
~Yes there is. It's called Youtube

"oh, well sorry, I wasn't complaining, I was just wondering!"
~Didn't you get the answer that you were looking for already?

"Just because we live outside the US doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to access this stuff when we have to pay MORE to get it imported"
~True, but now it sounds like you're starting to complain. Like I said, it's not worth bitching about. But if you still wanna whine despite youtube's existence, feel free to do so but settle it with the ones who are actually responsible for it; not with the people who can't do shit about it.



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