What bands have you seen live, my list will be down belowv

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Ha, how old is he, mines 16 this year?

Oh- mine's like 12.

That would probably explain it glad you replied on the other post btw xD

On which one?

Sorry, I lose track... XD

The about you one??

Oh yeah... :)


My list is a pretty wide variaty of people(:


Red Jumpsuit Apparatus x4   (will be 5 soon!!!!  )

Craig Morgan x3

Attack Attack!

Blood on The Dance Floor

We Came As Romans

Passafire ( local Atlanta band, played Warped 2011)

Asking Alexandria

Burn Halo

Framing Hanley

Stereo Side


Cute is what we aim for

Fall out boy

Solja boy

For Instance

Have You Seen My Ghost ( <-- EPIC BAND)

Tickle Me Pink

The Becoming

Fit For Rivals x2

Stephen Jerzack

Drake Bell

A Day to Remember

The Ready Set

Nickle Back

Saving Able

Papa Roach


Gym Class Heros

The Wonder Years


(:  Ive seen more than that, but i cant think of them all right now(:  Ive been to  12 tours, not including Warped 2011, and will be going to warped 2012  xD


but RJA is forsure my FAVORITE, they have been since 2007-2008 and will always be my favorite(:  <3

When you seeing rja?

as soon as they are in Birmingham AL or Atlanta GA again... but if they dont com ebefore December, Ill be in Jax FL, and ive talked to Randy already, my Mom is taking me and my friend to Prevatts to hang out :D  Im going on a cruise for my 18th bday, so part of my present is to try to see RJA in the burg (:    (im from Panama City, so ive been before:D  )

i've seen so many bands that i have given up on trying to keep track. the number was close to 100 when i stopped

Lol, yeah think that is going to happen this year to me, because I'm going to 2 big festivals at least

the only two bands i have seen live are Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and Tokio Hotel :)

two of my favorite bands



Spotify http://spotify.redjumpsuit.com

Apple http://apple.redjumpsuit.com

Google http://google.redjumpsuit.com

Amazon http://amazon.redjumpsuit.com

FREE http://free.redjumpsuit.com


PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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