If you could make an Album of any 5 RJA song, what songs would be on it?

I would choose
IN fates hands
Face down
Step right up
Lonely Road
The grim Goodbye!

i would choose more but It's to hard to choose!!!!!!!
Please reply!

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1. Your Guardian Angel-"The greatest song in the history of humanity"
2. Pen and Paper
3. Step Right Up
4. Angel's Cry
5. Disconnected
I would choose:
>Your Guardian Angel
>Face Down
>Seventheen Aint So Sweet
>Cat and Mouse
(...but actually all of their songs are great):-)
face down
false pretense
damn regret
Those are all good!
I'd buy them!
1. Grim Goodbye
2. False Pretense
3. Loveseat
4. Home Improvement
5. Step Right Up
1. Angel's Cry
2. Home Improvement
3. Step Right Up
4.Cat and Mouse
5. Grim Goodbye(the demo version)
1.Your Guardian Angel
2.Face down
3.Ass shaker/In fates hand
4.kins and carroll = one of there 1 first song i think but it;s not shown in the album
5.Grim Goodbye = I'm listening it now heheh^^
if up beat:
1. step right up
2. no spell
3. damn regret
4. seventeen aint so sweet
5. senioritis

if slow:
1. believe
2. cat and mouse
3. your guardian angel
4. represent
5. angel's cry

if heavy:
1. justify
2. misery loves its company
3. ass shaker
4. face down screamo
5. grim goodbye

if not so released:
1. kins and carol
2. disconnected
3. home improvement
4. love seat
5. getting by
step right up
face down
false pretense

O my, just 5...i really luv these songs--1.face down 2.my guardian angel 3.cat and mouse 4.damn regret and 5. Grim goodbye! cool...



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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