Florida Vs Georgia!!!!!! Have you heard? We are HOSTING and PREFORMING at Cafe 311 in downtown Jax the OFFICIAL Rock-n-Roll Pre game kick off on Friday Oct 29th!!!! Tickets are only 10 bucks!!! Come hang out with us at Cafe 311 and then watch us preform live around 11 pm. Wear your Orange and Blue or Georgia Red for a secret prize

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Dammit Ronnie! I wish I lived in Florida =\
Dang it i wish i didnt live 5 hours away. you should do one somewhere in Tally for the Florida @ Florida State game on the saturday after Thanksgiving.
that's a good idea :)
then make it happen :)
:O *wishes she lived in Florida*
I am so there!!! I have no idea where Cafe 311 is though! And also where do I buy tix?
you gotta go to the place and buy then. sometime after 5pm i believe, but better call and check for sure before heading up there

but you may wanna go to Cafe 331, not 311, lol.

and it should be 10 bucks

you can also enter to win lunch and an acoustic set with them at NOON the day of the show, hosted by X102.9, by commenting on their fb status update announcing the contest: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Jacksonville-FL/X1029-Jacksonvilles-New-Rock-Alternative/75932657327
I'm mad that I didn't make it to the show!  Hope to see you guys soon!

:0 When will you guys next be in the UK? 'Cause I missed your last tour T.T And im almost truthfully dieing to see you :D



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