So everyone, first off, HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I know it's a bit early, but I'd figure I'd wish it now. I hope it's fun and safe.

So what are some traditions, that you and your friends and family do for the holidays?

My family always get together around 10AM(after church) on thanksgiving we all hang out and watch slideshows and get ready for the festivities. Then we eat our lunch around 1PM and then we have dessert and coffee. We take the kids four wheeling, or something fun. Then we eat dinner. So I know I'm weird, but just curious.

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This got me thinking. I really have lost all Thanksgiving traditions. Growing up it was always the whole clan of relatives at our house and the traditional turkey/ham spread with ALL of the trimming. During my teen years, after we moved far away from all relatives, we just enjoyed going out to dinner. The traditions stopped there. Now it varies from year to year. I usually work on Thanksgiving (people love going to the movies with their family on Thanksgiving) and some years they fed us and lately have not. Some years my hubby just wants a pot of Chili and for us to go away so he can watch football. (We don't visit w/ relatives because they talk too much during the game. lol) This year he's going hunting in AL and it'll just be me and my kid. Guess we'll eat out. Some times I cook the full meal and it's always the same. Turkey/ham, yams, brown and serve rolls, peas, deviled eggs, stuffing, pies, and cranberry suace (for me only cause no one else likes it).
I guess there is one tradition that I have faithfully carried out since my teen years...those rectangle styrofoam plates with all of the little compartments in them for each food item!!! Yell if you want about killing the planet- but I guess it goes back to all of those younger years with the 50+ relatives at my house and us kids having to do all the dishes since the older folks cooked. It must be something I have repressed until just now. hahaha This blog has been so theraputic. Thanks Punkin.









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