Have you ever talked to Ronnie Winter or any of the guys on this site?

hey guys so have you ever talked to ronnie or any of the guys on here? If so what was it about? Whether its on chat or email or writing on there page it doesnt matter. Ive talked to ronnie and randy theyre real cool guys.

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yea, i've talked to ronnie and randy, as well as duke, but it wasn't on here [xbox 360 -> halo 3]
randy's the perfect one to talk to .. regardless of what you're talking about.
i don't remember much of what i talked to ronnie about.. cookies.. iphones in toilets .. pokemon, etc .
I pods in toilets lol that sounds interesting I dont remember if you were there or not but i remember that sour patch kids convo lol
there's been multiple sour patch kids convos
yeah like Randy commented on my page randomly about sour patch kids (:
Ronnie, He said i Had Cool hair and that it looked like his.
its a little like his just needs to be shorter thicker and more wavy but its getting there and in your profile pic where you guys like outside the stage room or something and no one seems to notice that ronnie is right there
AKA never? hahaha
yeah but i heard Ronnie's internet got broken again.
yeah i remember he was off for like 3 months like he is now and ive never seen any of the other guys on ... well ive seen randy lol but ive never seen them ive seen ronnie though it was awesome
and ronnie hasnt been on for a while now
aww thats so cool whats bamboozle though lol and i remember the dut tape convo ... well illl admit i wasnt there for like the begining but i do remember like you guys talking about kidnapping him and taping him to the ceiling or something and then there was another one i think but i remember you guys said that randy started it right lol
Ive talked to Ronnie on email.
Ive talked to Randy several times on chat and email.
Ive talked to Joey. Once me and him were the only ones online (:



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