Does anyone know anything about upcoming European tour dates? There's a show scheduled on the 4th of june in Amsterdam:

Dutch ticketmaster site is selling tickets:

and the venue's site:

(sorry, they're in Dutch)
So does anyone know any other dates? I can't find any info about it, except those two sites, but they should be trustworthy...

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That is an ERROR, I asked Ronnie to be sure!
Thanks for letting me know

Now I just need to get the venue to realize this is not happening so people can get their money back...

Are they still playing at Rock am ring though?
And the venue finally realised it's cancelled aswell.
You Don't Realise How Excited I Was To See This! Then It Wasn't True
Wish They Would Hurry Up
I Miss Them Soo Much :'(
o no!
an error?????
no europe?
I know! I already had my tickets and everything (but I'm getting my money back and going to another concert for free because of it). I hope they'll be back here sometime soon!
me too
Yep not our fault on that one, those shows were never actually confirmed so the club owner/promoter is the one to blame....however it's no big deal really because we are planning on coming this October so spread the word!!!!
Thanks for replying! Definately not blaming you guys. Club owner did realise their mistake and gave everyone their money back and the chance to go to another show the day before for free (which was fun, but i would've of course rather seen you guys play).

Anyway, can't wait to see you in October! Please don't play in Holland on the 16th cause Green Day is playing that day and I don't want to have to choose! (and same will probably go for a bunch of other fans).

Until October!
I know I should've asked but... October of what year? Guess it wasn't 2009 ;)
Hope you are doing well and will come back here. 2010 sounds like a great year to do that ;)
oh, i was so excited when i saw this post! ronnie, please come back to europe, i don't know how much control you have about where you go, but seriously, we need you!









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