Who's stoked? I know I am. This is the first time ever...RJA actually plays in BOSTON. Not mansfield...northhampton...paxton...framingham..etc...but BOSTON. It should be an awesome show. Anyone from here coming out? If so, let's hang during the show.  The only thing that really stinks about the HOB...and I mean the ONLY thing...is the parking. So be ready to shell out a lot of money for that. 

I'm ready for it...

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Yeah Reason to Live!!!, it's gonna rock!
Yes and Im looking forward to seeing you again. I miss you holmes.
Dude? They're actually playing in Boston? Must get tickets and go see it! =D Punkin', chillage?
Haha Abbie, chillage? Let's do it! I miss you abbie.
yes chillage! it's an awesome word. =p Woo! It'll be freakin' awesome. ^_^ I miss you too.
if only my teleporter wasnt broken........
well fix and get your butt to boston!
I guess when you don't have to travel across the country to see them, paying for parking seems like a cheap date! HaHaHa You need to come to the heat this summer and see me and Megan. We miss you :( We'll get you on a roller coaster yet. Does your HOB allow cameras? If Billy Bob can't make it, be sure to hold up that iphone.
Billy bob probably won't be allowed in...plus I can't be near barricade...it'll bother the tubes. SOO it's upstairs miles away...boring! But yes I will come visit this summer..but sounds like you two will most likely be gone most of it. So last few weeks I think Ill put two weeks into florida...visit people I haven't seen in years...since mostly everyone I love is down there!
you know, you dont have to go upstairs. just explain to security that you have heart issues and they should let you sit in the handicap section. if you come visit we shoul totally go to Disney. i looked and there is plenty you can do even with your heart issues. plus too, its free.
sounds like a plan! Let's go to disney!!! wait, why is it free????
Boston Ballin. Haha. Have a great time!!



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