send in your secrets, they're completely anon.

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soo basically the red jumpsuit apparatus version of gossip girl...
as well as a total invasion of what privacy they have left.
I think perhaps your computer monitor's resolution is set at a level which interferes with your reading comprehension skills. That is, assuming you had any at all to begin with....

I've seen tons of blogs like this for bands such as A Rocket To The Moon, Forever The Sickest Kids, Hey Monday and now this one for Red Jumpsuit. It's like a 'Post Secret' things, with a specific band as the topic. Kids can share their feelings and opinions anonymously without having people such as yourself yell at them for it. Sometimes people want to say things and not get trashed or labeled as a creep for it. Clearly not a 'Gossip Girls'-esque blog. (However, I have never tuned into Gossip Girls, so how should I know. Just assuming by the title.)

As for your second statement, do elaborate, please. I'm very interested to hear how opinion sharing invades the guys' privacy.
I've seen this go bad with other bands when people started commenting in these things about band members personal lives. But as long as those things don't get posted, these things can be nice.
I definitely wouldn't post anything thats personal. Just a place for people to share thoughts.
the band obviously has nothing to do with this.... so TBQH, i dont care :)
you cared enough to comment.









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