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thanks =]]
This weekend i am getting all the lyrics to my guardian angel tattooed down my arm. From shoulder to wrist
This weekend i am getting all the lyrics to my guardian angel tattooed down my arm. From shoulder to wrist

one is my design and one is my tat on my neck the lyrics are grim goodbye and the rest is meant to be guardian angel!

this might be a better photo!

mine is not rja directly (i dont believe in getting band tattoos because bands dont last forever and tattoos do) but it does remind me of them because i got my tattoo on the first anniversary of life changing surgery and so i look at the tattoo and think of all the people that gave me love and support after the surgery. the boys in rja were some of those people. their music kept me from going insane after the surgery. it also reminds me of them cuz of joey's love obession

that pic was taken right after it was done. i havent taken a new picture of it yet, cuz someone else has to take it cuz its on my right arm and im right handed
i love that design, jess! where on your arm is that?
i hope everything worked out to be a positive life change!
its on the inside of my arm from the "elbow pit" down towards my wrist

before color

after color

i got this tattoo in February 2006.
that tattoo is f'n awesome!!!!
These tattoos are seriouslt amazing. I can not wait to get my RJA tattoo... whenever that will be :[









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