Anyone have any? Here's a chance to post them=)

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why yes, i have 2....

i'll have to post the new pic when the entire thing is complete and healed...

those are mine. and the person messed up on the "angels cry" lyrics it's suppose to be "and I can't eat"
ahhh!!! awesome! when did you get the "angels cry" part done?
aww thanks. I got it done about two weeks ago. Now I just have to go back for the clouds/shading. But I'm saving that for a while. Just because it's summer and I can't stay out of the pool any longer.

Is yours finished?
I can't wait to see it all finished.
I bet it looks sick.

haha I really love this tattoo like a lot.

hmm. that's so awesome.
I have one word to say.... PIMP :)
and i swore i'd never get a guy's name inked on me!!!
now i have 5 of the best :)
We All Got Them Done In January The Shading Is Kinda Shotty Im Gettin Mine Fixed Soon I Hope...Mines The Crooked One Lol
what if you had a friend that did tats for ya like all free.] roook!!! like id get one on my leg, like going up the side of it(maybe in the form of like a more full graphic, not just a line), on my finger too, like again going up the side of it-more just like a linear graphic. sweetness~

this is what i got for my b-day =P =] lol, its a henna tat =[ so i'll only have it for a month =[
that is the best henna tattoo I ever saw =).

You can always get another too. It looks awesome!









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