Alright...well im kinda new to this but umm i wanted to be random and start a discussion =) So this is a game ok......A question will be asked, and then u have to reply to it, then ask a question of ur own...and then the next replyer answers ur question etc. etc. And if u want to repeat the question u were asked to get a diffrent view of sum1 else just repeat the question or say (repeat) ok =) I guess I will ask the first question....Who is your favorite RJA member?

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Jon, Duke, Or Elias

Most definitely Jon.

...Potato Sack Race-Who would win?
jon or elias..

i bet they could dance all night long..

i got to reply to both questions!!! lolz...
who i wuld choose for my dance partner wuld be joey, he culd be my wingman cuz im a breakdancer and i culd prollly do most of my spins wit his help lmfao...
potatoe sack race winnner wuld be duke! yay

mmk question: If you could give 1 million dollars to one of the band members who wuld it b and y?
Ronnie =] because he'd use it wise
lol, i'd bet he'd put it toward the guardian angel foundation..

Id give it to joey, just cuz i want too =) lol

If you could go one a date with any band member (besides ronnie...srry guys lmfao) who wuld it be any y?
joey.. he seems my type... in a lot of ways =)

repeat^ would joey or elias besides they are good looking i like them too...

>>if you will be married,what rja song would be your wedding song??
Your Guardian Angel.. i like the lines
"I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all"

ok.. acoustic or regular rock concert?
...i will pick both..but if you only want one answer..i will like experiencing a regular rock concert...
..ooops i forget a question...

..if you are sick..who do you want to be a doctor among them??
Ronnie or Joey lmfao....ronnie cuz he would be serious about it and prolly cure me...joey cuz he would prolly make me laugh lmfao

ok, ummmerz If you had a sweet sixteen party (which sum of u probably have) who would u dance with as ur first dance out of the rja memebers?









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