wHaT sOnG FrO m rJa ThaT iNsPiReS yOu??

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FoR me iS The soNgs ThaT insPiRes mE aRe ''miSeRy LoVes iT's coMpaNy'' aNd ''yOuR guaRdiaN anGeL''

beCauSe miseRy Love's iT's comPaNy becaUsE The sOnG iS GreaT aNd The meaNiNg oF ThE soNg iS meaNinGFuL

yOuR GuaRdiaN aNgeL beCauSe iF I hEaR ThaT sonG iT remiNds mE oF somEonE ThaT inSpiRes me aNd shE oR hE is aLwaYs reaDy To pRoTeCT mE To aNy DaNgeR cOmeS aLoNg ThE waY...
For me?
Face Down - Coz My Mum, a close friend and myself have all experience forms of violence from a male and it's an issue that is close to my heart.
Your Guardian Angel - Coz that song is going to be the song I walk down the ailse to on my wedding day since it sums up exactly how my man feels about me (the words he uses are very similar to the lyrics so it's perfect!!) :) Every time I hear it I imagine what it will be like!
The songs that inspire me from rja are "False Pretense" and "Seventeen Ain't So Sweet". For "False Pretense", it's because the song makes me want to take a stand and do something to change what one has become or change things that are going on in society. For "Seventeen Ain't So Sweet", it's because it relates to myself and how things in my life are not going the way as I planned but sooner or later, everything will change and i'll be okay. =]
Seventeen Aint So Sweet because it helps me get through the crap at school everyday.

and Atrophy. I don't know why. It just does.
i forgot the Grim Goodbye, last year was a terrible year, and the lyrics helped me get through everything that was goin on
Getting By.
It just pretty much sums up what my life is like right now.
It helps me to know that I'm not the only one that feels this way, that's just, well, stuck.
The song that inspire me is Cat and mouse - because of the lyrics.
i feel the same way , that all the things i want comes with a price.
Seventeen Ain't So Sweet. It really just completely helps me get through the day.
also cat and mouse. it just feels like my life on a regular basis.
the song that inspires me the most would probably be your gaurdian angel because i know someone will always be there for me and i feel so good when i hear that song. it may not be my favorite but it has definitely impacted me the most.
in fates hands-makes me think how great my friends are and how thankful i am for them.
face down- childhood wasnt to great and the song reminds me of my mom in so many ways. :]
atrophy-get off your ass and do something.
justify-OH WOW my uncle buck plays this for his youth group sometimes :D
guardian angel-hope basicly



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