So has anyone gone and watched this movie at the theatres?
My coworker told me that he heard one of RJA's songs in the movie. I checked it out and they play False Pretense!!! It is the entire song (with some guitar riffs between for filler to make it even longer). It's not background music playing that the actors are talking is the highlight of the scene. It blares loudly while the guy trains for the fight. I love it!
I mean...False Pretense. The movie?...more of a 'cheesy Orlando is the new O.C.' kind of movie but okay :)

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I saw this movie and i must say that i loved it. The part where they play False Pretense is actually my favorite part of the whole movie (and i'm not just saying that because it's RJA hehe). I love Sean Faris so i mainly watched it for him. =]
Sean Faris...I'll admit it...I bought Sleepover. That is such a cute movie. hehehe
I wanna see that movie soooo bad.....
i haven't had any timee. but DEYUMMM sean is beautiful. BEAUTIFUL!
That was a flipin good movie! lol When RJA came on I was shocked...I just sat there then turned to my friend and was like....they are playing RJA! I must admit they had a great sound track.
Yes, i agree. The soundtrack is one of the best things about this movie. I want the soundtrack so badly.
is it still playing?
if it is im definitely gonna see it









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