....iF y0u aRe a TruE faN oF rJa i DaRe yOu To aNsWeR my QueSTioNs...

1.who is the wife of ronnie?
2.what is the anothe title of the song in fate's hands?
3.what is the record label of the band?
4.who is the backing vocals of the band?
5.give the genres of the band?
6.who is the member of the band that dates kirsten storms and becomes her girlfriend?
7.what is the another tittle of the song ''false pretense''?
8.what is the song that has a lines of ''say you love me,you can lie ifit is comforting''?
9.what is the song that means justice to his/her love?
10.what are the 2 songs that describes the youth of today?
11.what is the game that features the song in fates hands?
12.what is the latest song of rja in ameica?
13.TRUE OR FALSE ONLY!!in the album''don;t you fake it''there was a hidden track?
14.who is the brother of ronnie winter?
15.what is the most over-rated song of rja?

NOTE:answer this questions...i will give a reply regarding to your scores

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i guess........

1.who is the wife of ronnie? staci.
2.what is the anothe title of the song in fate's hands? ass shakaaa
3.what is the record label of the band? VIrgin as I recall but I could be wrong.
4.who is the backing vocals of the band? They all do
5.give the genres of the band? That's debatable.
6.who is the member of the band that dates kirsten storms and becomes her girlfriend? Elias
7.what is the another tittle of the song ''false pretense''? Hmmm I don't know.
8.what is the song that has a lines of ''say you love me,you can lie ifit is comforting''? Home Improvement
9.what is the song that means justice to his/her love? Also debatable...would you mean justify or face down or another?
10.what are the 2 songs that describes the youth of today? Seventeen aint so sweet and i'm gonna say Waiting.....but songs are interpreted differently by different people
11.what is the game that features the song in fates hands? Madden
12.what is the latest song of rja in ameica? Like single? Damn Regret
13.TRUE OR FALSE ONLY!!in the album''don;t you fake it''there was a hidden track? Depends...the OG version doesnt have it but the newer one does
14.who is the brother of ronnie winter? rand, he made this ning, thanks randy. =]
15.what is the most over-rated song of rja? I'm assuming you mean Face Down...but that's your personal opinion, I don't think it's overrated at all....Perhaps you mean played-out....which I also disagree with. Personal Opinion.

NOTE:answer this questions...i will give a reply regarding to your scores ----okayyy honeyyy

you got 8 correct answers only.....

thanks a lot to answering my questions

1. staci
2.ass shaker
3. it used to be virgin, but not anymore
4. all of the guys do backing vocals
5. alternative rock
7.crossed eyes
8.home improvement
9. kins and caroll (fyi you cant tecnically ask this question, because only ronnie knows the true meaning)
10. atropy and in fates hands(this is an opinion question so there is no wrong answer)
11. none it features face down and its madden 2006 or madden 2007 i cant remember
12.damn regret
13. true
14.randy winter
15. face down(this is again an opinion question so there is no wrong answer)
so far the score is to the following people who answer that particular questions above:

hehehehe I'm not even going there, but I like your enthusiasm :)
1. Staci Winter
2. Ass Shaker
3.Used to be Virgin, they dropped that label.
4. Elias Reidy although, they all do some backing vocals.
5. Once again, that varies with the listener.
6. Elias
7. Crossed Eyes
8. Home Improvement
9. Depends..
10. Again, that depends..
11. Madden
12. On the radio? YGA. Other than that, Damn Regret.
13. Deluxe, true.
14. Besides Randy, Eric.
15. None what so ever, IMO.
.....you got 11 correct answers...congratulations so far you are the highest:-)
.....you got 11 correct answers...congratulations so far you are the highest:-)
Do my answers count if I play??
Just kidding:
but I am having a great time reading these responses!
Great post, keep 'em commin' girl!

I bet you can't guess number one!!??!

1.who is the wife of ronnie? Staci
2.what is the anothe title of the song in fate's hands? Ass Shaker
3.what is the record label of the band? - Virgin Records
4.who is the backing vocals of the band? - Elias and Joey
5.give the genres of the band? Rock
6.who is the member of the band that dates kirsten storms and becomes her girlfriend? Joey
7.what is the another tittle of the song ''false pretense''? Isn't one
8.what is the song that has a lines of ''say you love me,you can lie ifit is comforting''? Home Improvement
9.what is the song that means justice to his/her love? Justify
10.what are the 2 songs that describes the youth of today? Seventeen ain't so sweet, waiting
11.what is the game that features the song in fates hands? Fifa Football
12.what is the latest song of rja in ameica? Damn Regret
13.TRUE OR FALSE ONLY!!in the album''don;t you fake it''there was a hidden track? true
14.who is the brother of ronnie winter? Randy Winter
15.what is the most over-rated song of rja - Damn Regret



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