mine is Ronnie and Elias whats yours

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well hmmm this is funny. ok mine is Elias.
you dont ask why, but i will say why anyways.
Elias is the best guitarist in the entire universe.
he is so down to earth. he is nice. sweet. he loves his fans.
he talks to his fans. of course he is gorgeous. but that is beside the point.
he is absolutely amazing in every way and there is nothing that will change my opinion about him
even the fact that he wears make-up. he needs to stop. he is perfect without it. EPR has my heart <3

oh then my the rest in order are
2) Joey
3) Ronnie
4) Duke and Jon [[i like them both the same for dif. reasons]]
Duke is mine
lmao!!! JESSSS
I hate picking favourite band members -_-
I love them all equally lol
if i had to kill everyone in the band, i'd kill ronnie last. so, in a way, that's saying he's my favorite. mainly because of his sweet vocals and his high spirits. every rja concert ive been to, he's always been so energetic and gave it his best. though everyone else does the same in the band, i just favor him more for some odd reason.
i agree elias is my favvv 2.

mabey not the BEST guitarist,,but hes up there.

I don't really have a favorite in the band. Each member contributes in their own way with their own musical talents and if one member of the band left then The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus wouldn't be The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus anymore. And besides that reason, another is that I don't like picking favorites. A lot of "fans" or fangirls usually just pick the lead singer because they can only remember his or her first name. Or they may just think the lead singer is hot. Not to say that all people are like this but really, a lot of people do that so at times I feel when people pick a favorite without a logical explanation that they may not mean what they say. I hope this makes sense.
mine is elias becaus he play the guitar in a cool way
and duke
Ehh I dont pick favorites with them. I love all of them.
This discussion is super sad. How can you pick a favorite member?? They're a band. They're not a solo act....they put in equal contributions and if you deducted the one you liked least the music would be lacking. Nuhh uhhh, kids. Uncool.

SO OBVIOUSLY my favorite member iS lYk tOtAlLy rOnNi3 wInt3r CuUuUzzzZ...wElL, lYk h3 fRoNtZ tHe bAnD aNd iS h3z lYk sUuUp3R oMeGa s3Xy heeHeEhEheE...

...or not.
haha! i love you!!!

exactly what im sayyin

i hate when peeps do that, i just wanna rearrange their face, lmao, jk, wow, that was violent...

but i love them all and if u hate or dislike any of them, u basically have to hate the whole band, cause thats the way it is.. lol

but they are all sexxxaayyy in their own way.. no, im not one of those girls that are in love with them like that, but i love them, gwitts?? [get what im trying to say]
My favorite.....even though i love them all, because without all of them they wouldn't be a band.......but my favorite is Elias because he is so cute and he is the one i have seen the most personality of.



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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