I know this is totally random, but I'm curious what people think about age and relationships? Does it matter? How much of an age gap is acceptable? Does it matter who is older? etc......What do you think?

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Katherine, I'm with you there. There's no reason that you should feel obligated to be in a relationship just cuz everyone else is.
I seriously haven't had an ACTUAL boyfriend in like 3 years. I strictly do ONLY hook-ups, because I find that as soon as you and your significant other become OFFICIAL, it complicates everything, and I'm only seventeen, I'm not ready to tie myself down to only one person-even if it's only for a month.
I like to keep my options open.
And I like the way you think, Babygirl. =]
i've been in a few serious relationships, but when ur young they inevitably fall apart, and it hurts like a bitch.
im in a serious one now, at 17. and im happy with that.
her name is Katherine too lol
so Katherine (on here, not my girl), stick to ur morals like that. u will massively regret pushing too far too early, cos u cant undo it.
especially this physical parts of it. i know lotsa ppl who've gone too far to early and regretted it afterwards.
i myself regret a lot of things. and my V-plates only came off last year, at 16
Very true.
I know I've sure gone too far with boys and I'm just too young for that.
You don't need to do that kinda stuff when you're only 13, well I'm 15 now, but still, too young.
I mean, it's your choice but you can really fuck your life up, I know we all know, it's just, once you've gone that far, you can't go back.
Kinda off the subject but I felt that I needed to get the point across.
it doesnt matter to me, but i think that if you are in love, then it is okay.
one of my best guy-friends is 19.
im 15.
but in a relationship for me, i like the guy to be older.
at least a few months.
as far as acceptable goes,
i guess the max for me would be like 5-6 years.
personal reasons i suppose.
I'd say it depends on the age but a 20 year old with someone double their age yuck...
Well not really...look at Ashton and Demi...

they're a power couple and still SUPER sexy........and she could just about be his mom.
exactly! but even a 12 year difference.... or if you look at the youngest mother ever recorded... 9 years to be the guy's mother.
Not good.
See, that's what I'm talking about.
I'm in highschool now, but, everywhere you look there's those pudgy bellies.
There's 7th graders, 12 years old, that are pregnant at my old middle school.
Here a few weeks ago, someone I knew delivered a baby to a 9 year old.
It's a little silly.
shit they need to wait to know how to prevent it... with all those
different birth controls.... hormonal and barrier. fuckin kids gotta
keep their toys in their pants atleast 1/2 way through highschool.
Until marriage would be even nicer.
But, we all know that rarely ever happens.
yeah... i know. =/



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