cool so i'll post some poetry......

i want to get into lyric writing but its so hard! anyone got hints?
anyway here's a poem

Those words,
the handwritting,
the bad spelling,
the horrible speak,
the words I love,
hurt today.

The person,
the boy,
the friend,
the brother,
the person I love,
hurt today.

The world,
the everything,
the universe,
the thing that mattered,
the world I wished to have,
hurt today.

Hurt today.
I hurt.
I was hurt.
You hurt me.
And we act like it's all okay?

It's not okay.
Can't you see,
the girl in front of you,
is heartbroken?
She needs some time,
she needs some space,
because the girl in front of you,
hurt today.

if anyone got myspace add me

peace out!

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awesome :]
im a writer too but i wouldnt have the courage to post my stuff on the internet yet.
its very controversial and definatly not perfected.
but yeah i think your poems great :]
ive been posting my stuff on the internet ever since i started writing...i wrote this when i was 13 lol i'm now 15
yeah it's a good poem and if i once i get the chance to ill start posting my cousins works cuz shes afriad to be criticized but im just going to show her that its good work and she needs to get it out there but definetly keep up the writing its good stuff not to mention one of the best ways to express ur feelings
nice one. :')









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