What's your fav RJA song quote or any quote for that matter???

Mine is from The Grim Goodbye!!!
"You can say you know me, but you have no clue what my dreams could show you."---- I love that!!!!

Let me know....I'm curious!!!! =)

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i have two

Atrophy : "they sold you, everything you need to fix you up and you feel good now but you can't wake up."

Disconnected: "Don't hang up on me,cause im hung up on you, don't tell me how to feel like you always do. I know your right, i don't wanna fight, is this how our story ends or a new chapter begins."
"it's perpetually blinding me of sanity"
I always kinda liked that part...
or how bout


"Void I can't fill, the doctor tells me to relax and stand still, prescribes me a new pill, to qwell my anger, wish i could make her pull herself up off the floor."
Ohh no...in Waiting it's much more simple than that....
"waiting for this life to change.....seems like it's taking me forever."

completely sums up my life.
I'm so excited people replyed!!! Thank you everyone! =)
Mine is,, home improvement: "Say you love me, you can lie if it is comforting, And I wont even mind it so bad, wont even find it so sad"
I have to say mine is a your guardian angel quote because in my opinion it is the greatest love song ever written..."use me as you will, pull my strings just for a thrill, and I know I'll be okay though my skies are turning grey"

False Pretense- "All along you know you thought you got the best of me
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family"
"Let your light shine through me
Take this hate I can release
Help me make the blood see" i dont know, i love that quote though
sorry.. but its "blind see"

i dont know why but i had to say that =]
my favorite rja song quote is "say you love me you can lie if its comforting"

i have a favorite rja quote from each one of the guys

ronnie saying"We just don’t care about being rock stars necessarily. We care about being professional musicians."

elias:"Band dudes booty dance too"

joey:"It’s all about popularity. Well, wait...if I was gonna be a superhero, it’s all about popularity. 'Cause I would just love to walk around anywhere and people would be like “Oh my god. There’s Joey Westwood Superman.” And I would be like “Here I am. I’m gonna save the day.”"

duke: "Come get punched in the face"

jon:"If I could punch somebody with no repercussions I think it’d be funny to punch Barney"
"Fate is an elegant cold hearted whore she loves salting my wounds, yes she enjoys nothing more. I bleed
confidence from deep within my guts now, I'm the king of this pity party with my jewel encrusted crown."
-The Spill Canvas: Polygraph, Right NOW!.

but from RJA....

"Take back the beat in your heart, Why fight when you can't be bought"
"Break the walls between building atrophy causing all your problems to recede"
-Atrophy. =]
pshhhh!!!! you would steal my fav songggg!!! two days ago you didnt even know itttt!!!!
i'll murder you.

nawww...i wont. =] I'm happy to share songs with you cuz I laaav you. MMMMUUUAAAHHH



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