What do you think is the reason why you love The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus??

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As I was trying to explain my reasoning for loving RJA and their music I read all the comments below and I have to say I agree with all of them and sum up my anwer to this question as.... "read below" and that is my answer!
how dedicated they are to the music.
how much they do truley care.
how nice they are to fans.
the amazing vocals.
the message behind the lyrics.
how inspiring they are.

ronnie, elias, joey, duke, and jon.
i love you boys. <3
i love RJA cause of the pasion of each band member brings to every song
i'll try to keep this short.

i like them because their lyrics are real, butthe reasons i love them are more deep than that. i love them because of who they are. they arent rockstars and they dont want to be rockstars. they hung out and signed autographs until midnight on they day before thanksgiving after the orlando show knowing that they had about a 3-4 drive to get home to be with their familes for thanksgiving. its refreshing to finally see a band that doesnt sell-out and pretend to have this perfect life
the meaning to their songs. a lot of people can relate to them.
i don't really know for sure why i love the rjas. my guess is the awesome guitar, sweet bass, and amazing vocals. the songs almost always have meaning, and they're just an amazing band. seeing them live just lifts my spirits, and listening to them always throws a smile on my face.
their songs! its amazing! great song lyrics & the way they they sound...i really love them!!! RJA truly rocks!
they know exactly what they are talking about, and they have a really good sence of the issues going on in the current world. their music is really, and it sounds pretty fucking amazing.
Their songs touch the soul. When I listen to their songs,they are so good,they give me goosebumps. The lyrics and music are great. Love it!!! Ronnie Winter's voice is remarkable. He can really hit the high note! The guitar,bass and drum blend in to the songs beautifully. It is such a great band with great band members. The first time when I heard "Face Down" which was also the first time listening to a song by RJA, they took my breath away.
because there songs are so amazing
they just get stuck in your head and its not a bad thing
they have awesome lyrics
and amazing videos
their music! the lyrics to their songs are very strait to the point and understandalbe.their music has help me get through ALOT. thats why i love them!!
I think it's just because they make the kind of music that I enjoy. Couple that with there powerful lyrics, and they're an instant hit with me.



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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