What do you think is the reason why you love The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus??

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This questions always makes me smile. I love the RJA boys so much. First of all, the music is amazing. It's real and easy to understand. I can relate to it, and I can listen to it no matter what I'm feeling. Everytime I listen to one of their songs, or watch their DVD, I fall in love with them all over again. And live . . . oh man. They're awesome. Their music is so much fun to sing along to. And, of course, the guys are some of the nicest people I've ever met. They're humble and lovely and amazing. When I met them, they made me feel so special and happy. I honestly can't put why I love them into words. But, I tried. : )
Man, If I met them id be speechless....Ive never had the chance to meet them =/ Ive only seen them play at Warp Tour and at a club in baltimore....Other than that Ive never met them cuz Ive always gotten shitty tickets =/ but if I met them then I would be the luckiest person alive...Literally
their ability to create like 10 dimensional music. ...
so its rad to see live
'nd otherwise its fabulous too.
they have the power to create songs that really mean a lot
and its fabulous to see that its real and people really enjoy it.
im crazy about rja
the meaning behind their songs is so rad
they are great musicians~!
Because their music is the audio equivelant of an embrace and they seem to live their music. It's so real.
I absolutely love RJA because they are guys that have remained true to their music, their values, and their fans. They do alot of small shows so that they can get to know their fans and connect with them. Thats awesome and its rare that bands do that...and the best part is theyre down-to-earth great guys who are so easy to get along with and talk to. (even tho ive only met them twice lol) But i hope they keep up the amazing work because they have people backing them up the entire way :)
..i love them because of their ''7 THINGS'' that i love them♥♥♥
..i love them because i love their music,especially their emoish songs they touch my heart♥...
..i love their kind of music,because of their genres that they can play
..i love them because of their heart brokening lyrocs,if they read them,,you can say ouch!!it hurts
...i don't love anymore my old favorite band because red jumpsuit apparatus is there to attract me..hahaha
...i love them because they're cool:)>3
...i looooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee ronnie...hahaha
..and the 7 thing i like the most that i love
.....they're coooolllll...as in super duper cooooooooollllllllllllllllll band!!!!(i love you rja!!!..plz kiss meeee!!!mwaaaaah!!)
I love them because the music is calming to me and alot of the songs sing about the same things that are going on in my life.
been gooing to see them live for 5 yrs now. just can't get enough. chris brown says it best. but they are great guys. and they make great music. whats better than that? plus all the discussions i've had with others about their guitar techs. without rja those great chats would exist
the messages in the lyrics and the way ronnie winters sings them... (the grim goodbye and face down are my fav songs by them)
he has a hot voice btw
i love the mix between screamo and awsome melody they put in and amazing background to it. the lyrics are easy to relate to. I love EVERYSONG they put out!!!!
Musically amazing
only the vocals, lyrics, and Ronnie's voice.
Sorry but I don't see much beyond that except in " You Better Pray" there are some good guitar in that but average. The rest is just average joe, but Ronnie makes this band.



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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