What do you think is the reason why you love The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus??

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that was mean....
everyone has typos =]
i didnt mean to be mean i was just noting.
As was I. =]
i love them coz they have different styles in each of their songs...they are not like other bands who seems to have the same tune on almost all of their songs...this the reason that makes them unique & not boring to listen to...aww!
DUUUUDE. Circa's new...well...now, old....album is like thatttt.

Juturna was AMAZING and then this one came out and every track is like "Didn't I JUST hear that???" such a waste =[
And don't forget..
They explore different genres, they don't just stick with one in paticular.
More bands need to expand themselves like RJA is doing.
I love RJA because they actually have meaning behind their lyrics and I can relate with them. There's other reasons, but that's the main one.
I think the reason i love it is because the music is different and the meanings behind the songs are great, especially with damn regret and guardian angel i love those to songs they are my faves because they speak to you.
for me is no. 1 is their music. they have amazing talents, great voice for ronnie, great guitarist for elias, i love that when elias played his guitar, the he way he want it. Every people love their music.....the passion that they put to their song is very great. Keep the music alive & rockin man. Hope u guyz come to the philippines..
I have a psychological reason lol.
Im not one of those types of chicks that likes them just cuz they r hot, and im not the type that is going to jump and scream and try to rip there clothes off..rofl...The reason I like RJA is because they are the only new band that to me has lyrics that are so powerfull that they may make a diffrence. There lyrics relate to people. Seventeen Aint so Sweet related to me cuz i am a musician struggling to make my voice be heard! The lyrics they write are really deep and they move me. When I hear them i just let them sink into me, it refreshes me. I love listening to them when im waiting for my bus, or just listening to them to calm me down when I get mad, or if im sad. This is why I love RJA.



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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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