What do you think is the reason why you love The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus??

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their music, their powerful lyrics, the meaning behind their songs and the experience they have in the things they're writing lyrics for.

their beautiful guitar, their sweet bass, their wicked as drum playing.


they are just perfect.
the depth and the reality of their music, their ability to create moving guitar riffs and harmonics, the powerful drum beats, and the bass emphasizing the emotion even more.
all of their songs are moving, and have true meaning behind it.
hopefully the next album does it one better and creates another generation of RJA fans
like theyve said the guitar just acts on its own and yet sounds great with the bass which keeps a perfect pace for every song the drums which emphasizes the bass and guitar giving it more strenght and gets urs ur attention and keeps it then the lyrics the lyrics is wat i love the most they sound great and they have meaning unlike most ppl their tryed to be sung right and not just plain sung much like some of eminems music it actually has a story behind it its not just something they made up to get a record out they acutally try at their music unlike most artistes that that right there is the reason i love RJA
its the deep lyrics that everyone can related to.
ronnies writing is amazing, his songs give you hope and remind you theres people out there that care, even though theyve never met you.
plus the guitar parts are liable to blow your face off and theyre blessed to have such an amaizing drummer. :]
and the causes they support: proventing domestic abuse, the take action tour, to write love on her arms, and everyother worthy cause you could think of.
i mean,
how could you not love them?
thier lyrics are powerful, and I can relate to some of them...I am a writer myself, but somehow I am enveloped by their use of words in thier songs, how the lyrics flow. It's like a river with no end, it goes on and on forever. The lyrics are perfect in every way, the background music is great too, there is just so much to like about them and their music.
Sweaty hugs!
The strong lyrics that capture heart and imagination. The first time I listened to RJA live I got pumped from the lyrics along with how it flows with the music. Very simple but so creative. Angels Cry is one of my favorites all time.
i think its very awsome because alot of their songs reach out to teens like ME and those words and songs really help me through alot of stuff like the song atrophy helps me to be myself and not be afraid of much RJA has helped me through alot of problems in life and i thank RJA 4 THAT!
I love RJA because their songs have substance.
Love them?! Pffffffffftt.
Ehk. I can't stand 'em. ;]
Awe, Meghan, you can't stand 'em either. Don't lie.

But seriously, they give big sweaty hugs. Jon likes to try and choke me with huge sweaty squishy hugs. They all make me laugh and smile until it hurts, and they sometimes pick on me. They talk forever about really random things, I swear, they try to bore me to death....total jerks.

Nah, unless you're an idiot, you know I love them more than anything on the face of the earth. Even when they laugh at me n' stuff. :]



Spotify http://spotify.redjumpsuit.com

Apple http://apple.redjumpsuit.com

Google http://google.redjumpsuit.com

Amazon http://amazon.redjumpsuit.com

FREE http://free.redjumpsuit.com


PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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