Well, I love all their videos but the best video for me is definitely "Your Guardian Angel"... Would you agree? I mean even the video was shown quite awhile now but its still gives me the goosebumps everytime I see it, like a cold winter-piratey feeling in a mysterious kind of way. It's like a modern old version of shakespearean musical (with the outfits and everything.lol). In short, I just love it and everybody else in it. RJA absolutely RULEZ!=)

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fanx... well take care hey
you too....=]
Yep I got it...=) Wives usually don't leave their husbands that easily either they love them or they are too dependent and they feel like they have nowhere else to go, (just like my ass brother and his wife),
you showed the kind of interest you have with the song and/or how you see it, although not the exact whole meaning to the song itself which is why we made comment... but i'm glad you shared your side... +__+

My favorite RJA video is False Pretense. I love the fact that it tells a story and the video made me giggle a few times. I love it. =]
it really does play a significance to each person... and why would that make u giggle stacy?hehe
It made me giggle a bit because it may sound weird but Ronnie looks like such a good actor with his suit and hat and it was so cute that i had to laugh and in the end where the band members turned out to be the guys with the masks so i just laughed it off a bit because it was cool the fact that it was the guys in the end. =]
It is really a great and fun/full-of-acting vid.. It makes me wanna play the part, u know, just put me on the background.haha
lol, yeah that's how i felt. the whole vid was pretty cool and the song just adds on to the fun, hehe. =]
it would be "your guardian angel", it's nice... that's it..
That's short and straight to the point. Nice.=)
.....My FaVe rJa ViDeO iS aLL oF TheiR ViDeo buT ThE mosT RoCkiNg ViDeO ThEy MaDe iS FaCe DowN beCauSe The sPeCiaL eFFecTs oF ThE viDeO(iNcLuDes The bReaKinG oF ThinGs aWay)aMaZeS mE sO muCh aNd RoNNie's HaiR is So cooL ThaT I aLwayS waNT To CoPy hiS hairSTyLe.....
It definitely is! it totally catches the intensity of the song.=)



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