I don't wanna hear the oh they are hot. Or 'Oh I like Ronnie..'
Do you even know his last name..? Could you name the other members of the band. DO IT. I dare you too. I really wanna know if there are people out there that know all of there songs not just Face Down, False Pretence, & Your Gardian Angel. All of them. Anyone know all the words..? Let me know. C:

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I have Don't you fake it
Lonely Road
And some songs from their EP
I know Almost all of, like 99% of the words.
band Members
Ronnie Winter
Duke Kitchens
Joey Westwood
Jon Wilkes
Elias Reidy ( But he is no longer in the band)
Now there is Matt Carter!
I've seen them live (Traveled 3 1/2 hours!)
Don't you fake it
IN fates hand
False Pretence
Face Down
Misery loves it's company
Cat and mouse
Damn Regret
Seventeen Aint so Sweet
Your Guardian Angel
The Grim Goodbye
Delux edition also includes DVD and Disconnected and Face down Acoustic
Lonely road:
You Better Pray
No spell
Pen and Paper
Pull Me back
Step Right up
Pleads and postcards
Love seat
Getting By
Kins And Carrol
Angels Cry
20 Hour drive
Home Improvement

Yeah they are my favorite band!
I even got my mom into them!
I cant wait to see them again!!!
OH also They chose their name by placing random peices of paper with words on the wall and blindfolding a bandmember and had them pick some.

Live Slamina Was a choice (Live animals Backwards)
These guys are so awesome!!!!!



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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