i think that people out there should start requesting the song "love seat" on radio station because it is a really good song :)

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I love that song, but they'd never play it.
Only people that love the guys really know that song. :/
i agreee. <3 i absolutely love that song.
yes this song is truthfuly amzing :D, which is why we need to call to every radio station we know and request this song! :D
at the orlando show ronnie started to play it then he stopped. i was so disappointed
hes done that to us so many times! lol We always try to get them to play it and he will look straight at us and say "This next song is oldschool...I doubt many of you know it....JUSTIFIED!" with this little "haha" look on his face...*rolls eyes* lol
One time he promised that they would play it and the night before the show he promised they would do it at he told me "Iiii never said that..." Grr...
Elias told me that they were thinking about redoing it for the new album...that was like a year ago though so I wouldnt put to much hope in that.
Joey started to play "Angels Cry" at one show. Id love it if they did THAT one live. I would just love it if they did ANY oldschool songs. :)
to me this song isn't old school, it's just normal, because rja's music only started playing here late last year.
and i did my own research to hear their other stuffs.
love seat is awesome, i heard they would never redo it or play it because it was written at a time when rja had a different line up.
but that's what i've heard.
angels cry is beautiful, but alittle predictable.
kins and carrol, home improvement and twenty four hour drive are really good songs.
atleast you guys have actually seen them play, i won't ever get to see them probly.
rja always plays "old school" songs for us hometown crazy asses from jay-ville...that's jacksonville for those who don't know us on the map. even though some of the old school stuff is from when they had a different line up, they still play them for us. it may be different in other cities that they play....i think when they play here at home, its such a different crowd than anywhere else they may play...i would say its almost a lil more intimate here. plus we just go crazy screaming the songs that we want them to play so its almost as though we get a double treat in a way....they play everything on their debut album and everything from the demo that got them started. i have to say, i don't think i have ever heard them play angels cry at any of the shows that they have played here that i have attended

Love seat is an amazing song along with all their others...but i bet you will here more songs from their new album and the one that is out now before you hear love seat...who knows....maybe it will be on the new record? look for a hidden track...u never know
I LOVE MY RJA BOYS>>>Representing the "BURG"...Middleburg, Fl that is(where it all started)
i'm gonna be at the home show in a week! [knock on wood i am]
so now that you said that, i'm even more stoked, and i didnt know that was possible =O

i've only been to one show, and it was in orlando at the HOB.. and all the girls there were like 'omg, elias is soo cute' so hopefully there will be less of those freaks in j-ville.. i really really really hope so.
Be sure to get your ticket in advance...Jack Rabbits is small and always sells out. Amaru has local fans, too.
It is a wonderful song. I love all their demo songs. My favorite would have to be 'Getting By' though, I love that song. I love all their songs, but I do agree, I wish they would play more of their originals, even though they were originally preformed by the old line up.
..yah..i love love seat(eyes watering) and angels cry..though i only hear it on my personal cd,ipod,mp5 or the internet..why eyes watering or angels cry dont include in their debut album??



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