Help The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus to enter in the category "Rock Out"!!
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if they win, will they come??
and where?
because if they come near here i can email them, and meet up with them...
i do that a lot i met creed that way two weeks ago...
and KISS this summer
YOU MET KISSSSSS??????? just by emailing them?? how do you get their email?
well, i live in germany, and we're military...
KISS was planning a show in luxembourg, and we contacted them, and because they are HUGE military supporters...
they agreed to land their jet at our base, and because my dads the FSS squadron commander we got to hang out with 'em. anyways, they did an autograph signing at the base before heading off to the show.
they gave out some free tickets, and i was up front (im always up and gene RECOGNIZED me, and the fam...they were further to the left, i was left center...thats my fave spot. we got guitar picks!!! lol
we seem to get a lot of support from performers, and they almost always agree to come visit if they're near here.
we just search for ways to contact them, and if we are lucky, and they read our mail, they respond, and come to see us.
we just had creed do a free show here two weeks ago, and it was AMAZING!!!
and edwin mccain came too, it was cool, but KISS was my fave

(nick tweed-simmons came along with the band...hes SOOO gorgeous!)









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