i saw them play at warped tour last summer, and it was one of the best shows i've ever been to. they got picked to play an encore, so for the two extra songs, they played 'your guardian angel' and 'the grim goodbye' with the sun setting right behind the stage. one of the best days ever.
so what about you? ever seen rja play live? if so tell about it here... if not what are some other great shows you've been to? :D

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I saw them play at House of Blues in New Orleans. It was RJA and Saosin. I saw them a week before at X-fest. They were amazing. They played an encore at the House of Blues concert but I can't remember what they played because that was back in April.
I've seen them play about a million times.

One of the many pleasures of being a hometown fan.

All amazing shows, of course.
I actually still have a flyer for their first show ever.
now thats a pretty sweet piece of paraphenalia right there...
i'll just have to stick with seeing them in their first Aussie tour
iv seen them twice and the first time was at how the edge stole xmas last year and that was aight but they didnt get to play too long
the second time i saw them was on the take action tour and they came back for an encore and played grim goodbye
i luved every song they played and they rly kicked sum major ass
Yes!!I saw RJA back in April '07!! They were my first real concert!!! Me and my best friend had an awsome time...but we regret not waiting a little longer after the show...we had to leave right away...But seriously!! It was THE BEST TIME EVER!! yeh, and we will be going back to see them again as soon as possible!
haha, yah, and i would like to see paramore live too...
I saw them at Buzz Bake Sale 2006.
It's a local radio show in south florida.
I was nearly forced into the mosh.
But they were awesome either way!
they came to a city near me so i got to go.
it was a m a z i n g =]
elias spit out some water and then threw his water bottle and i was right by the stage.
the person behind me got the bottle, but i got the water.
I saw them at Warped Tour 2006 and 2007! I also saw them at the Stone Pony last year and I had tcikest this year but the show got cancelled because on of the members was sick :/
I first heard of RJA from a friend who went to school with one of their brothers.
Then i went to see them at PlanetFest 07 and it was the best thing i've ever done or seen!

i love RJA. always have and always will =]
I went to their Guardian Angel Video Shoot....It was flippin awesome... I guess that counts for seeing them live... I don't know if my group made it into the video...even if we did...you cant make out any of our faces...towards the end of the video it pans to the balcony to the left of the band if you are facing them and we were all standing on the balcony under the first and second arches...they had these huge bulbs that were hot as hell and we were all sweating...in the video it makes it look like we were in the dark...anyhow...it was an awesome experience...I got to meet all of them and they signed my cd...Really great guys.
I was GONNA go...actually I was on my way there and then they switched the time and blah blah.
So not cool =[
yeah but this past wednesday totally made up for it right???
we got more camera time than we woulda had we been on the set.



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