i saw them play at warped tour last summer, and it was one of the best shows i've ever been to. they got picked to play an encore, so for the two extra songs, they played 'your guardian angel' and 'the grim goodbye' with the sun setting right behind the stage. one of the best days ever.
so what about you? ever seen rja play live? if so tell about it here... if not what are some other great shows you've been to? :D

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No haven't seen them live.. yet, i cannot wait until march for Soundwave Festival 08 in perth.
Anyone else going?
i've seen them three times =)
once on the take action! tour, once at warped tour, and once at the 96X winter meltdown.
they were good at take action!, kinda bad at warped tour sadly =(
but AMAZING at the winter meltdown. they played last and went over time, so they turned the house lights on and almost everyone left, so there was just a small crowd of people who absolutely loved them left in front of the stage. it was incredible. and ronnie's gotten a LOT better with his singing, he can reach a lot more notes now, and he's switched back to his old singing style <3 ^_^

ive seen them 5 times. the first time was 12/3/06. it was a big concert with 15 bands. it was awesome. i was hooked from that moment on. the second time was a acoustic show on 2/9/07. they were late because of a noise ordiance that postponed a sound check for their show later. the guys were so friendly. they wanted to sign everyones posters eventhough they had to leave to get to their show that night that was 45 min away. i got a picture with joey and elias. i also ended up getting ronnies throat spray that he had left in the bathroom of the store. the third time i saw them was 2 days later on 2/9/07. the show was awesome and i hung around afterwards to meet them. i got to meet duke and joey first. they remembered me from the acoustic show the day before. (im in a wheelchair and usually the only person there that is in a wheelchair). i got a pic with duke. i ended up buying joey an individual pizza and he offered me some and gave me an awesome sweaty hug. SWEATY HUGS ARE THE BEST! after that i went toward their bus and elias was there and remembered me from the acoustic show. i got another pic with elias and he hits me in the cheek while twirling his scarf.hahaha. after that i met this guy calvin that looks like ozzy. hes a really nice guy. then one of the roadies tells ronnie that people are waiting outside the bus to see him and eventhough it was like 1am and he wanted to go to sleep he came out. i showed him the throat spray and he let me keep it eventhough it was his last bottle and he signed it for me. the fourth time i saw them it was at an outdoor concert on 5/26/07. i didnt get to meet them but it was my first time being in the middle of the pit. it was awesome. the most recent time i saw them was the day before thanksgiving. it was amazing, even though i was a little shocked at joey's mustache. they had gotten so much better live. i did get kinda mad at ronnie because before he played YGA he played the first verse of love seat then he stopped. after the show i hung around to meet them again. i saw joey first after the show. he looked at me and said, "hey i havent seen you in a while." i asked him to sign my wheelchair. after he signed it i asked him for a picture.i was about to ask someone else to take it, but he said, " no i got it. i have long arms." after he takes the picture he looks at it and says, " i look like im in a 60's action movie." i see elias next, but i dont go over to him because there is a mob of people around him. then i see duke. i get him to sign my wheelchair and get a pic with him. then i FINALLY got to meet jon. he had always seemed to disappear at all the other shows. he signed my wheelchair and i got a pic with him. after a while the mob around elias goes down so i go over there and sit and wait. he eventually comes over to me and says, "hey i havent seen you in forever. howve you been?" i say,"fine" he gives me a sweaty hug and i ask him to sign my wheelchair. after he signs it i ask him if i can get a picture. his mom offers to take it for us, but he says" no i got" he takes one wih him doing one face and then lets me look at it and then takes another one with him making a different face. he wishes me happy thanksgiving and gives me another sweaty hug. he walks off and then comes back because he forgot he still had my marker. i didnt get to see ronnie and was planning on just keeping the gift i had for him until next time, but then i see joey again and give it to him to give to ronnie. joey was amazed at what the gift was. it was a white volcom hat that looked just like the one that ronnie had lost when someone stole it off his head.
Yep. Ive seen them 14 times. :) Everytime I listen to there CD I hear how they perform the songs live in my head. :)
If I was to tell you guys about all of the shows it would be a novel so ill just leave it alone. haha
But some other great shows Ive been to are Saosin and Envy on the Coast(they ALWAYS put on AMAZING shows!)
I've seen Saosin 3 times.
They're so friggin amazing!
Yay another SaoFan! haha I love them so so much. Ive seen them 9 times and I have 5 upcoming shows Jan-Feb.
Im kind of insane...haha
When did you see them?
I don't remember the first time, but the second time was on Projekt Revolution, August 10th, and them December 1st for Buzz Bakesale.
At any of the concerts you've been to, has Cove done the whole 'Parting of the crowd' thing?
Because he gets in trouble for that with security every time he comes to West Palm.
I'm uber jealous about you seeing them 9 times, though. =P
lol I saw the SaoTV epidose of them getting in trouble in West Palm.. :)
Cove dosent do the whole "wall of death" thing at regular shows..
Ive never seen them on a big tour like Project Rev. or anything like that, just on their headlining dates...I saw them on Warped in 06 but there was barely a crowd for them.. :(
Im seeing them 3 times in January and 3 times in Feb. so maybe...lol
and theres nothing to be jelouse about I promise! :)...I honestly didnt go to ANY shows before I graduated and im poor all the time now.. lol
Dude, I saw them at Warped this year...EFFING AMAZING! They were the whole reason I went to warped tour and let me tell you...

Being out in the hot ass sun for for 5 hours just to see them...totally worth it. If you've never seen them live, you've got to.
SI! ive seen them 2 times!!
they are amazzzing !!
I've seen them twice once on the take action tour in my city were ronnie was born and once on warped tour amazing band fur sur. I <3 them
I saw RJA at Warped Tour in Chicago this past summer. Sadly Bayside beat them out for the extra 20 minutes, which made me mad because I really wanted to meet them. I had also seen them at Q101 Twisted 13 last December. But I moshed to Face Down at warped tour for the first time ever. It was pretty amazing. I cannot wait till they come back to Chicago again.



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