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At 3:20am on January 26, 2008, krystal said…
itl still b awsom i know a few of da bands playn but its gunna b no way near as gud. i wuld never pay $130 4 any of those bands lol.

its gud that uv told him whats what. he needed it and so do u. at least u will no where the relationship is heading then
At 6:22pm on January 24, 2008, krystal said…
they pulled out caus of a new record or somthn n its so gay caus i cant get a refund caus its still on. i would if i could. o well u cant help the past caus its not gunna change.

that would b so cool if u could mov 2 florida. n ppl r only sayn that u shuld lev ur bf caus they care about u n they can c that ur hurting.
At 6:15pm on January 23, 2008, krystal said…
dont say anythn then do wat u want 2 do, not wat otha ppl tell u 2. it was so sad rja pulled outa soundwave. i only got the ticks caus thay were playn. they werent cheap eitha. wats new in ur life
At 10:59pm on January 22, 2008, krystal said…
heya soz if wat i said made u upset. it wasnt my place 2 say somthing like that. it was really confronting.
At 10:05pm on January 17, 2008, krystal said…
mayby u guys shuld jus lev it if its causing this many problems caus it sounds like this relationshi[p isnt doing anyhtingf 4 u 2
At 9:55pm on January 17, 2008, krystal said…
thats so sad about the army thing and the mum thing it wuld make it harder o n every one.
At 9:43pm on January 17, 2008, krystal said…
i h8 workn but i need the money. that suks that ur so far away. maby u sahuld move it wuld b easier lol. i no u can mov in wit ur bf. lol
At 8:15pm on January 17, 2008, krystal said…
that suks bout the bf thingy
n as 4 calln the cops thats stupid she shuld get ova it caus lifes 2 short 2 waste on petty little arguments.
iv been alright im on hols at atm its pretty awesum except 4 the fact that i hav 2 wrk mor but any time without skool is all gud...
do u work or go 2 uni
At 2:26am on January 17, 2008, krystal said…
lol u shuld jus show up at her house
been up 2 anythn intereting l8ly
At 7:14pm on January 10, 2008, krystal said…
mayby u shuld jus talk 2 her she might open up 2 u then

Profile Information

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I'm 21 years old.

I'm 5'4".

Hazel eyes that are green somedays. Dark red hair...for the moment.

I have the one tattoo. It's the nautical star in my pictures and it's on the inside of my left wrist. I have a LOT more planned.

I absolutely HATE being ignored. I understand that people are busy. Really, I get that. But to ignore me for 2 days or more and then pretend everything is okay does NOT fly with me at ALL.

I have a HARD time understanding why people get into relationships ONLY for the sex. If there is no chemistry or communication, then it's not really worth it to me. Attraction has nothing to do with what a person looks like. Attraction is an inner thing. It's about chemistry. It's either there or it's not. Chemistry is only partly carried on physical attraction. True compatibility stems from having the same values and goals. Love is a concept I have to learn. I wasn't raised with it.

I LOVE the beach. I have never felt more at peace than to drive over a bridge and smell the ocean. Standing in the waves at nights is the closest to heaven I've ever been.

I love to play soccer and video games.

I watch most sports. Likes: UNC Tarheels men’s college basketball, Philadelphia Eagles, and the Boston Red Sox. Dislikes: UCONN college basketball, New England Patriots, and the New York Yankees.

I listen to pretty much any music with FEW exceptions. I like rhythm, beats, words, certain singers/bands. Anything that speaks to me, makes me dance, or feel something.

My taste is movies has changed a little since I was younger. I love horror movies. Hardly anything scares me anymore. As I grow older, I’m getting more into historical movies. Also, with my brother leaving in June 2009 for United States Marine Corps Boot Camp, I’ve been watching a lot more military movies.

My Project Playlist

Melissa's Blog

Natural Highs

Posted on December 6, 2007 at 10:08am 0 Comments

1. Falling in love.

2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.

3. A hot shower.

4. No lines at the supermarket.

5. A special glance.

6. Getting mail.

7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.

8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.

9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.

10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.

11. Chocolate milkshake (vanilla or strawberry).

12. A bubble bath.

13. Giggling.

14. A good conversation.

15. The… Continue

What I Wish I Knew About Marriage

Posted on December 5, 2007 at 7:23pm 0 Comments

This article was written by Lance Armstrong's ex-wife. It is a really good article that makes a lot of good points. If I want any of my friends to

take ANYTHING out of this article, it is to not lose yourself in a new

relationship. You should maintain who you are, you beliefs, your

values, your wants, and your likes and dislikes no matter the cost. The

person that you are in a…


It's OK to Be Me

Posted on December 5, 2007 at 7:22pm 0 Comments

I am me.…


Beginning Today and Every Day

Posted on December 5, 2007 at 7:21pm 0 Comments

Beginning today I will no longer worry about yesterday. It is in the past and the past will never change Only I can change by choosing to do so.

Beginning today I will no longer worry about tomorrow.…

To All the Nice Guys

Posted on December 5, 2007 at 7:19pm 0 Comments

This is a tribute to the nice guys. The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what assholes guys are, while disproving the very point.

This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean

on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open

doors and give reassuring pats on the back and sit patiently outside

the changing room at department stores.…









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5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

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Lets play a game 418 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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