Waitinginfateshands's Comments

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At 4:51pm on February 5, 2010, Mari said…
I like your screen name!! waiting one of my fav songs and in fates hands is in my top 15!!
At 8:18am on January 31, 2008, Rebecca said…
thanks for the comment. i have a few more from that night but you can hear other people talking next to me in them so i didn't post :(
At 11:08pm on December 26, 2007, Eliza said…
alright sure. just tell me the date. i've been there a few times.
At 9:09am on December 21, 2007, BeforeTommorow19 said…
well there he iss!
At 2:49am on December 18, 2007, Eliza said…
thats cool. well i hope u win
At 5:37pm on December 17, 2007, Katryn Brinkley said…
That sounds awesome I'll be sure to check you guys out. what kind of music do you play?
At 1:24am on December 14, 2007, Eliza said…
alright. well i did check u guys out
At 6:59pm on December 13, 2007, Katryn Brinkley said…
I'm From Missouri. You?
At 12:37am on December 13, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
No one could ever be ronnie ever.

haha good tlaking to you too
At 12:34am on December 13, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
okayy yeahh let me knoww

good luck writing sure you dont need it thou..

At 12:27am on December 13, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
yeahh same heree
best band alive
At 12:13am on December 13, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
yeahh i cant wait for the new album the next time ill see them is bamboozle so far and then warped tour if tehy play which they should
At 12:08am on December 13, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
oh yeahh thats when they were suppose to come here to the stone pony. but ronnie got sick again he get sick everytime they come here he passed out on stage the first time i saw them play
At 12:03am on December 13, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
was that the tour they were on with hawthrone hieghts ?
At 11:59pm on December 12, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
haha road trips are always funn

were they good in philly ?
At 11:52pm on December 12, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
veryy truee..thats cool
At 11:48pm on December 12, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
haha my friends get madd at me casue ronnie is all i talk about and i ahve like a rja wall in my room. ronnie is liek ALL i talk about. his voice is so amazing and in the new video he looks gorgeous. ah im so happy they made this site. do you knwo what day there playing at bamboozle
At 11:39pm on December 12, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
yeahh they defintaly are the most amaizng band i have ever met nad ive met so many. there the most down to earth band and they care about there fans. there all pretty funny and i love hanging out with them ive only liek 3 times but haha still i only met ronnie once, but i passed out so it kinda sucks
At 11:31pm on December 12, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
truee me too ill be ther front and center
jsut like i was for warped tour and i got my ass kicked but when i met ronnie i was like i promise ill be front and center andi was
At 11:28pm on December 12, 2007, Kelly[apparatus] said…
hes my life when i met him i passed out in front of him.
im from jersey
what about you ?


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Questions....=) 116 Replies

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5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

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Lets play a game 418 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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