[saratini]WHOREMONES!♥'s Comments

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At 11:30am on February 6, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Happy Birthday :)
At 9:01am on March 17, 2008, maricris said…
Or could be sexy?haha
At 11:23pm on March 16, 2008, maricris said…
Glad to make you warm..(low voice). lol
At 2:26am on March 11, 2008, maricris said…
I think urs is still the original coz ur the first one I've seen..(yea very touching lol) =)
At 1:31am on March 9, 2008, maricris said…
That's a total rad. =D
At 6:21am on March 6, 2008, maricris said…
Nice... what's wrong with the last one?=)
At 5:41am on March 5, 2008, maricris said…
Hahaha That is really something, u should make more of it, like doin your own freakin show! It'll be a total buzz =)
At 11:10pm on March 2, 2008, maricris said…
How'd you come up with it... i mean it's really creative and informative (with the lights and everything haha)
At 9:34pm on March 1, 2008, maricris said…
It's about time your videos show some frenzy here in alliance, it would definitely create some lsughs. You could be an actress in the future I mean why not right?;D
At 12:29am on February 26, 2008, maricris said…
Haha weird video, it's like watchin an animated episode of cribs.=)
At 4:12pm on February 20, 2008, taniece said…
lol love ur video its so funny lol and on my last message i ment 2 say i didnt get another bf yet lol
At 7:19pm on February 17, 2008, taniece said…
oh wow i did get another boyfriend yet but me and his bestfriend r now friends wit benifits lol i hope he's pissed lol
At 10:23pm on February 16, 2008, taniece said…
nothin really the same as u just broke up with my boyfriend well the other way around lol but im now single lol so screw him
At 10:01pm on February 16, 2008, taniece said…
omg so sorry i havent ben online in a while i have ben packin 2 move 2 alanta GA i havent tlked 2 u n a while so hows life ben treatin ya lol
At 1:34am on February 14, 2008, Damian said…
that cool what color? I have been up to alot of stuff
At 9:38pm on February 13, 2008, Mike.. said…
fine you??
At 11:22pm on February 3, 2008, Damian said…
hey wats up?
At 6:55pm on January 18, 2008, Devy! said…
so do i i dont think i could live without it lol!
At 9:04pm on January 13, 2008, taniece said…
so wat u ben up 2
At 11:40pm on January 10, 2008, Marissa said…
you're welcome. :]]

just kinda tired from school starting. it's already lame.

how about yourself?


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Lets play a game 418 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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