Elyssa's Comments

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At 1:13pm on November 26, 2009, Janine said…
You're welcome. I'm good. Sorry, I haven't been on in a while. My laptop had trojan viruses. But, I'm back. For a little while anyways.
At 11:09pm on March 19, 2009, Stephanie said…
Heeey Girl! What's up!?
At 6:47pm on March 18, 2009, Punkin' said…
Ive been good ive been good. On spring breakkkkk woot. Hahha aww puppy you should totally take pics of him. lOL. So how are you doing now?
At 11:46am on February 22, 2009, Punkin' said…
OMFG its elyssa apparatus.

haha I love youuuuuu! how are you doing chica?
At 9:13pm on January 25, 2009, JhEi-ZeE said…
oh.. wat grade in highschool??
At 8:11am on January 14, 2009, JhEi-ZeE said…
me too..., there's so mny activities.. are you h.s. or college already?
At 12:04pm on January 13, 2009, Josh Helms said…
I'm ok, listening to Face Down, and stuff. lol.
Whats up?
At 10:54am on January 12, 2009, JhEi-ZeE said…
hi,, zup?
At 11:27pm on October 19, 2008, Larissa said…
i still don't understand this place.
At 1:30am on February 27, 2008, Crystal said…
Hey Elyssa! =) I need more RJA friends haha I'm limited to you Tess Ashley and Rachael,and Brenna!
At 8:06pm on January 26, 2008, JESUSFREAK said…
At 7:29pm on January 26, 2008, JESUSFREAK said…
hello what's up!!
At 9:15am on December 9, 2007, Sarah Sapien said…
That's cool.
Why in the world are we talking about, history?

So, what are your plans for, Christmas?
At 4:20pm on December 7, 2007, Sarah Sapien said…
Yeah, that's what I want to do.
I love WWII
It's amazing. I actually kind of like the Enlightenment.
My favorite part would have to be the Cold War though. I understand it best.
: )
At 10:15am on December 7, 2007, Larissa said…
HAD to post it:P
At 8:52am on December 7, 2007, Randy Winter said…
what's up? ;)
At 2:35am on December 6, 2007, BERNADETTE :: MiSS RJA© said…
I've been doing well. :) How about you? I can't believe Christmas is not too far away. I haven't fully decided if I'm excited about it. haha I still need to START shopping for everyone; and I have a long list of people to buy gifts for! And ALOT of them...I have no idea what to get! I'm soooo NOT looking forward to spending all this money. :/ hahaha
At 12:54am on December 6, 2007, rjasnumberonefan said…
te hehehe I just thought I'd go incognito to the random fan out there. I am only putting people I actually know in my friends. Trying to minimize the hoopla. lol
At 8:54pm on December 5, 2007, Sarah Sapien said…
History is my favorite subject.
Okay, WORLD History is my favorite subject.
U.S. History kinda bores me. I'm not sure why though.
I have World History right now and some of the older people in the class get mad 'cause I get A's in there and they don't.
The past times just amaze me, for some odd reason.
For the longest time I was actually thinking about going to college to be a Historian.
But, naww.
At 4:16pm on December 5, 2007, Sarah Sapien said…
Gah, well that must suck.

I'm sitting at home, writing a speech for speech class.
We have to do an "Acceptance Speech" it's where you win any type of an award and you have to say your thanks.
I won the " Ultimate mosher" award.
My friend won " Ultimate crowed surfer" it's great.
: )


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Lets play a game 418 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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