Bek's Comments

Comment Wall (26 comments)

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At 7:49pm on February 10, 2008, Rachel said…
hey! thx :) wats up?
At 7:39pm on February 4, 2008, ayosek said…
supp how r u
At 8:36am on February 4, 2008, Matthew said…
im good.
how are you?
At 9:26pm on February 3, 2008, Samantha-Lynn said…
No Probelm!
At 9:07pm on February 3, 2008, Samantha-Lynn said…
haha I love your " i'm the proud owner of female reproductive organs" comment..well the whole thing really lol
At 8:59pm on February 3, 2008, Matthew said…
At 8:24pm on January 31, 2008, Ethan said…
that's good news
At 7:46pm on January 31, 2008, JOSE said…
yeah i have a bad day cuz not body like me
At 7:48pm on January 30, 2008, JOSE said…
cant i say something
u are really really cute
At 7:48pm on January 30, 2008, JOSE said…
whats good
At 7:48pm on January 30, 2008, JOSE said…
hey sweet
At 5:02pm on January 30, 2008, tori said…
lol nothing rly at alll
At 6:48pm on January 29, 2008, JOSE said…
hi thanks . i like all the music that i have in the page and others too in ma computer
At 4:42pm on January 29, 2008, Jeff Nielson said…
hey thanks. :] whats going on?
At 3:44pm on January 29, 2008, tori said…
np, whats up :]
At 3:38pm on January 29, 2008, Ethan said…
yeah...i'm kinda on a lot
but i'm fine
At 2:01am on January 27, 2008, david said…
but on the website were they r playing you can still buy tickets
i dont no
its all confusing
see ya
At 6:12pm on January 26, 2008, ali said…
yea ive never seen them in concert but i am determined to in the near future. at least they're making a new album. i am addicted to their music... and ronnie's voice(!)

At 10:58pm on January 25, 2008, david said…
there sidegigs havnt been cancled
(well i hope not)
and i feel sorry for you
maybe they will
go to your little town
and play just for you
(yea right)
any way Happy Australia Day
see ya
At 8:23am on January 25, 2008, ali said…
well we're in winter here so its pretty damn cold in my opinion! (ha) so did your guys rja tour get cancelled or something?








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5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

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Lets play a game 418 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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