Fernando's Comments

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At 12:38am on April 11, 2009, Nino said…
FEEEERRRRRNNNNYYYYY......how is the skittle man? and do you have any poptarts? lol.
At 1:43am on March 11, 2009, kimmy said…
aahhhh i am in such a weird mood, hahahehehahahehe. aaahhhh school does strange things to me;)
At 1:42am on March 11, 2009, kimmy said…
hey chickadee!!
how are you? I don't think i've talked to you at all:(
well here is my sad attempt at making conversation;)
At 9:09am on February 21, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
hey, nothing much lol. i'm okay thanks, what about you? :]
At 7:16am on February 18, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
At 11:30am on February 5, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
i am doing awesome . kinda i am school that is never actually awesome but hey whatever ... wow that was random .. anyways yea
At 4:45am on February 4, 2009, putri damayanti said…
hey i think u should add application "friend map"
it's cool.....
hey nice to know u.......
At 12:20pm on February 2, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
hey how are you?
At 11:45pm on January 4, 2009, Nino said…
WOMAN! don't you bring mario down! mario will save us all from hell! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! i dunno what is goin on! i see....i see......dead people!! omg omg omg omg wtf? that was NOT a dead person! that was michael jackson! omg he's coming for you! ruuuuuunnn!!!!!! ferny no!!! LMAO!!!

hahahah..sorry bout that fernando....i dunno what was goin on ... i guess i put a little too much sugar in my cereal. lol. XD

oh yeah i got ur story....im on chapter two, heh...sorry i haven't read it all cuz i been playing too much videogames and i get dizzy...heee :)
At 11:49pm on January 3, 2009, Nino said…
LOL. that's ok man, but guess what im having now? hehe....a chocolate frosty with m&ms! i should so lay off this stuff but hey....im skinny as hell and im not gainin any weight! ok, ok i weigh like...116 or something...but im not all THAT skinny. i got junk in my trunk. omg that was not even kool of me. hahaha.. XD anyways....*clears throat* i need to ask you a very important question fernando......who do you think would win in an ultimate battle...mario or sonic? ( i will not be responsible for any personal or external damage if you choose sonic )
At 3:58am on January 3, 2009, Nino said…
hi ferny!!!!!!!!! nah just kidding fernando. wat's goin on? guess what i had today.....sour skittles!!!!!!! woo! :X TASTE THE RAINBOW......motha fadga...haha. just kidding. im so high off those skittles right now. please excuse me...... :)
At 11:25pm on November 12, 2008, Nino said…
hahaha...hell yeah man, just come on over with some sour skittles and damn now im craving! well....that's kool...at least you can play some. i got a sore throat yesterday and i was like wat the fuck? OW! but im all better now..i get better fast. cuz i eat right.....and i exclude sour skittles from my diet when im sick......even though it hurts me! lol!
At 8:46pm on November 10, 2008, Nino said…
hey fernando! how's it going? my life is good right now. very very good. man..i haven't had skittles in a while. hey fernando..do you play any instruments?? i can't really play anything..just a little piano and some flute. i wanna learn how to play the guitar though. and not just for shits and giggles either! hahahaha!
At 8:20pm on October 21, 2008, Nino said…
ok kool. XD well...i have been alot of stuff lately. been quite busy. :) but im just here..being happy..trying not to bring ppl down. just been a little tiers tho. my drawings are pretty freakin awesome huh? haha..jk but glad you liked them. :)
At 10:57pm on October 20, 2008, Nino said…
oh hey fernanado did you see my artwork on my page? i have some pix there..cuz i love to draw too so check them out. tell me wat you think..i don't mind criticism..or compliments. XD
At 10:56pm on October 20, 2008, Nino said…
yo fernanado wat's going on dude? i like flew over there the other day to leave you some skittles and no one was there. hhmm..what to do with all these skittles?? well..oh my! look at that! no more skittles! oops..:) my bad ferny. i was hungry....
At 11:12pm on October 17, 2008, Nino said…
FERNANDO...u are the skittle man..no..the skittle WOMAN!!
At 3:27pm on October 17, 2008, Nino said…
:D well...how ya been?
At 12:13am on October 16, 2008, Nino said…
hey sorry bout that...my computer gave out on me...plus my mom was nagging at me to get off the computer. ;D talk to you later. :)
At 1:49pm on October 15, 2008, Nino said…
hey wat's up fernando?? haha...wat happened..you teleported over here and only left me one pack of smores poptarts! i want another one dude! lol ....i still have those bite marks you left me...ow!


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