Walter's Comments

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At 8:51pm on February 11, 2009, cassiie said…
not a whole lot heree.
just chillin outt
listening to mussiicc
how about youu?
At 8:59pm on February 9, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
nothing much you?
At 6:08pm on February 6, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
At 9:00pm on January 27, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
you too hun :]
At 8:56pm on January 27, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
wow! I am only 13. almost 14 [:
At 8:53pm on January 27, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
whoops. I didn't mean to push it that many times.... /:
At 8:52pm on January 27, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
thanks :D
how old are you?
At 8:52pm on January 27, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
thanks :D
how old are you?
At 8:52pm on January 27, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
thanks :D
how old are you?
At 8:52pm on January 27, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
thanks :D
how old are you?
At 8:51pm on January 27, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
thanks :D
how old are you?
At 8:44pm on January 27, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
I haven't gone to school all week yet /: I hurt my back,but I gotta go tomrrow. ugh!
I am going to have a lot of homework, I have to do most of it if I want to go see my boyfriend.
At 12:53pm on January 27, 2009, LaurenMarie. said…
So whatcha doing?!
At 12:53am on December 31, 2008, Cynthia said…
nm u?
At 4:36am on December 18, 2008, ThisIsRomster said…
good :]
erm I'm just listening to RJA you?
At 5:44am on December 17, 2008, ThisIsRomster said…
hey sorry haven't replied, i forgot!
not much, you?
At 6:57pm on December 12, 2008, alexandra said…
hey:) sorry to comment back all late. just that i rarely get on this thing! lol :D so sup?!
At 8:03am on December 12, 2008, Paola said…
that's great!! good luck in college
about my music likes... I like almost everything, I used to be a Pop girl, but now I like different artits such as Panic at the disco, FOB, Counting Crows, Jason Marz, Paramore, Placebo, John Mayer, Oasis, Green day, Axium (one of my fave bands) and of course this band.... and more!!
What about u??
At 9:15pm on December 7, 2008, Paola said…
good luck in the test... about me, now I'm working in a business family, I graduted from collegue a year ago and I pretty busy these days because of the end year and all that kind of stuffs you know...
I f you wanna know more just ask
keep in touch.. take care ; )
At 6:20pm on December 5, 2008, kanela said…
lol^-^ so tell me, aside for the wrestling thing, what else do you like?








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Questions....=) 116 Replies

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5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

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Lets play a game 418 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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