Sarah [APPARATUS]'s Comments

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At 12:14pm on June 8, 2008, Punkin' said…
=) ahhh can't wait.
too pumped.
crazy with excitement.
we should go to a beach for a few hours on our way.
and we can take pictures site seeing.
At 4:10pm on June 2, 2008, Punkin' said…
hey you
you should upload your tat pics on the new discussion I started=)
At 7:07pm on May 27, 2008, Marie said…
raaaaawk! whats up girl?
At 4:19am on May 21, 2008, Punkin' said…
WOw that's so cool. more rja tats? haha =) that's fun. Tattoos are fun.
A little painful but fun.
At 7:57am on May 19, 2008, Punkin' said…
that's awesome though. You are seriously a ninja. This makes it 24 hours of straight tattooing. WOw. It looks really awesome. You should really try and take a pic of it all...when it's fiinished. It's so awesome though.

Can't wait to see the final result!
At 9:19pm on May 18, 2008, Punkin' said…
hahaha just send it to their page.
They will def. see it!

That's tattoo is amazing.

Did you finish the first part of it?
At 4:02pm on May 15, 2008, Marie said…
wassup girl? hows it going today?~!
At 2:53pm on May 12, 2008, Punkin' said…
PS- that day was a really bad beginning so...I was glad I got to hang out and talk to someone about it.
At 2:52pm on May 12, 2008, Punkin' said…
I'm really happy we got to hang out after the show. It's crazy that we both chose the same song and both of them were memorial tattoos. We should def. plan a trip to go see them play again when the next string of shows comes around. You are really awesome.

remember when it was like 12:30 and I started like falling asleep talking. I felt so bad.
At 9:08pm on May 11, 2008, Kelsey said…
aww i hope you feel better! :) pa isn't very exciting, hopefully chicago is a little better then it is here! :) ill def keep an eye out for the tattoo pics! i cant wait to see it finished! :)
At 6:31pm on May 10, 2008, Kelsey said…
awww yes i remember you :)! how are you? your tattoo is beautiful:)
At 3:06pm on May 10, 2008, Punkin' said…
You are seriously so sweet. I can't wait to cross paths, again. I hope you go to Europe. It's a beautiful place and hopefully you can stop over in Ireland. I'm home's good to be with my family again. I'm going back on the road in a few days. Back to PA! But I'll see you again, this I am sure.

Have fun and be safe.

you are really sweet and I'm glad we were able to hang out after the show for a bit.
It was really good to talk to someone who has the same feeling as I do.

Talk to you soon,
<3 Punkin
At 12:10am on May 10, 2008, Punkin' said…
Hey you,
It was so much fun hanging out with you in Lancaster. You were so much fun. It's so weird how many cool people i have met through the alliance page. We told each other our life stories. Our stories are definitely similar. Your tattoo is awesome. I cant wait to see the finished product. =)
Can't wait for the future show dates. I really hope we can hit up a few together.
At 10:21am on May 9, 2008, Marie said…
whats up girlfriend!
At 10:08am on May 8, 2008, Punkin' said…
hahaa we had sooo much fun!!
can't wait for our amazing road trip!

text me sooon k?
At 5:26pm on April 2, 2008, Marie said…
hey girl so what day are u headin back to the chi town area? sunday? and night or day/
At 6:36am on March 30, 2008, roxo said…
wow.. nice :D
At 3:17am on March 30, 2008, rjasnumberonefan said…
I have friends going to both of those shows. Well, The Sao girls are myspace friends that I haven't met yet, but I can't wait to. They'll be in Nashville. In Philly my bff from here in FL is going. I'll send links tomorrow. Going to be soon.
At 10:17am on March 6, 2008, Marie said…
hi omg i know right!
keep rockin!
ur fabulous!
At 11:35am on March 5, 2008, Marie said…
lots of love!!!








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