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Heidi's Comments
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the actual name's lily. but I likeee my johnny :D
i like your page too;)
thx 4 the add =D
thank you so much for being my friend !!!!
btw. i love your background!
i loved your comment tho.
it made me laugh
i love Elias more than you love elias
and you love ronnie more than i love ronnie.
but we both love them a lot
soooo house are you muh dear??
man i love this song tooo much =]
what's up?
i wasnt starting anything tho, i was just sticking up for you.
haha. yea
i think my mom calls that "fighting fire with kindness", or something like that.
haha. jealous much?
that is funny. i am jealous of your hair. the way it looks in your display pic anyways
i dont know what it looks like right now. lame..lol
hmm. i guess i just made you feel better then didnt i??
mmm my hair smells good. haha
i am trying to convince my mom to let me dye the underneath of my hair black.
not getting too far with that. lmao
oh man i am sooo sore from playing kick the can the other night, then trying to do a cartwheel yesterday.
you know i cant do a cartwheel. isnt that sad??
mmk well i think this comment is long enough. oh did you send my letter yet??
anyways yea, i am done now. =]
your a trip
you handled that perfectly
did you read the comment i sent to her??
i am not the weird obssessed.
like stalker obssessed
am i
and i am serious. am i??
i dont get your second comment =?
oh and i dont know why i have such a low number of friends
Thankies for adding me
how do you have so many friends?!!?!??!
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