Aaron's Comments

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At 11:31am on May 27, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
omg you didn't tell me it was your birthday ?!?!?! Happy Birthday you loser!
At 8:10am on May 27, 2009, kimmy said…
as if, why do you win?
At 2:32am on May 25, 2009, kimmy said…
Aaaaaahhhhahahahahahhahaa :D
That's funny cause my friend's B-Day is on the 23rd!!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Aaron.
Happy birthday to you ^_^

*sigh* another wrinkle ;P
At 8:26pm on May 23, 2009, kimmy said…
hahahaehehewwwphew o.0
ha, transformers, yeah, i'm gonna go see that ;P
guess what???
hehehe, just thought i'd put that out there ^_^
At 4:39am on May 21, 2009, kimmy said…
long time no hear...
in fact, long time never hear :(
are you EVER on here?
At 8:49am on April 6, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
At 12:11pm on March 10, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
lol yea it has been awhile I have been great kinda lmfao spring break is just starting Hollywood Undead and 10 Years is playing tonite at a club in Panama City.. but I am going to see 3Oh3! and All-American Rejects next weekend hellz ya I <3 3Oh3! but anyways yay for you starting school ! haha I will be out of school in exactly 54 days... so have you been working hard at the vet ? =D
At 3:25pm on March 7, 2009, Alana said…
Hey wsp?
At 2:20am on March 5, 2009, kimmy said…
hey hey hey.
i don't think i've talked to you yet... i've got no idea what to say...well... nope i've got nothin...uuummm...hhmmmm...damn it...okay well...bugger this is sooooooo anoying...aaaarrrrggghhhh, i've been sitting here for 5 minutes thinking of something to say but here it goes.
anything interesting been happenining in your life lately???
aarrrghh all that thinking for one question:(
At 3:05pm on February 17, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
i also think it is awesome that you are not like 90% percent of the other guys out there... omfg you saw coraline ....grrr i want to see that soo bad tim burton also has another movie coming out 9-9-09 called nine lmao... anyways i went and saw friday the 13th ... friday the 13th wow heh.... well i had to compete in districts for one of the clubs i am in soo i had to shave lmfao btw i won first place nigga .. xD
At 12:04pm on February 13, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
i think you would be the first guy to tell me that most guys i know are like disgusted if the see a speck of hair on a chick besides her head .. even though some of you have bushes on your legs xD ... no though i will stick with jeans with leggings under them and socks.. definitely socks.
At 3:12pm on February 9, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
yea it is always fucking cold over here lol jk in the winter it is and idk why considering i am in FLORIDA but in the summers it is hot as hell! lol i usually don't do the whole spring break thing but ya know i only live 30 min from panama city beach so wth ya know ... funny about the shaving legs thing except if you were the person who had to be around my hairy legs lol
At 10:21am on February 9, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
omg i am sorry about your cat i would have had an emotional outburst i swear .. well about the people thing i don't like alot of people i guess i am anti-social idk but i have my friends and such and family that i kinda care about the kinda is for certain members of my family lol but anyways yea man i am like still cold but its like 50 degrees outside .. i wish it was summer .. so what are you doing for spring break?
At 11:12am on February 6, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
lol nice pic ... bleck unpaid work? oh well if you love something then do it man i so couldn't be a vet i cried when i ran over a squirell (is that how you spell it?) one time. i am a sensitive person i hate seeing animals or like humans suffering . idk . lol omg guess what it is fucking cold in north florida again lol ahhhh
At 12:24pm on February 5, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
lol about your friend with his whole cooking thing i mean props to him if he can cook i can't bake shit i burn it so if you want cookies from me you better go buy some .. yea that is a funny e-mail addy but hey i am not judging mine is after a song title by The Used it is XxAllThatIveGotXx@hotmail.com just for when i add you so you know who it be.. =] anyways yay you got ahold of the vet lady .. why did you need to get ahold of her btw? anyways i g2g do some shit but yea later
At 11:31am on February 5, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
that is cool about the animal thing though believe it or not but like i live on a farm so to speak since i live in the middle of nowhere in hick ass florida so i have horses cows chickens dogs cats you name it i have it probably .. i want an iguana so fucking bad though lol ..
At 3:37pm on February 4, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
dude what is your messenger thingy or wait what do you have aol yahoo or hotmail?
At 3:12pm on February 4, 2009, Hay-Zee said…
laughing my fucking ass off lol i had to type that out i did get my skittles bak .. hell ya ... OMFG THE ALBUM IS AMAZING!!! yesterday i was like geez i can't wait for the album to come out on feb 3 then my friend was like it is feb 3 so i was like all holy shit yessss!!!!!
wait so are you like an animal advocate? that is like cute in an awesome way.. don't you just hate that though when you are ttrying to get ahold of someone or like an office and they never fucking answer anyways yea album is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G =]
At 9:58am on February 1, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Nothing much. what about you?
At 10:13am on January 31, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…


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Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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