Theonesuluvrcircled's Comments

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At 8:54pm on November 6, 2008, theonesuluvrcircled said…

At 10:16pm on February 10, 2008, KrAzY B!TcH said…
thanx! ^_^

good list of bands you have there, btw.
At 9:13pm on February 9, 2008, KrAzY B!TcH said…
haha same here...

just getting over a long week of being sick...

I'm a lot better now tho.
At 8:29pm on February 8, 2008, KrAzY B!TcH said…
no prob! ^_^

so what's up?
At 11:36pm on December 15, 2007, Athena said…
o im srry
At 6:51pm on December 14, 2007, idratherbe@aredjumpsuitconcert!! said…
thanks!! ur default picture thing is so funny!! lol. ah yey! im a florida fan tooo!!! woo! i saw trja play at FAU last month for my bday!! is was so awesome!!
At 7:14pm on December 13, 2007, Athena said…
wow srry i havent been on in a while but how did u slice ure foot ?
At 10:58pm on December 9, 2007, Catherine said…
haha not really, i didnt meet mcr and it bummed me out lol. but meeting fall out boy (no joe tho) was pretty cool!!!
i have met 2 members of funreal for a firend, and 2 memebers from rise against. + falsestart like 10000000 times lol.
but we met F4AF and rise against, in shops in town, so it was luck lol
At 10:52pm on December 9, 2007, Catherine said…
haha when i meet pete wentz i was like sign falsestart!!!!!!! over and over
At 10:34pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
haha yep there like family! im so proud of them too lol.
they pretty much are my family!

well ill be back later, my bros going on
bye bye
At 10:30pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
every time thay have a show, and like thay were all at mcr the other night. and some times i will go see them at there work, or just around, at least once a month, unless there on tour, but most of the time its at least once every 2 weeks lol i love them lol
At 10:23pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
cool! i wont bug him, he can talk to the over seas fans. i saw him on thrsday so it ok lol. i bet heps of ppl e taking to him
At 10:19pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
there pretty awesome!! i love they lyrics!!, they said they will be back soon, so im hoping its SOON! lol
the thing about loving music so much is there is so many bands i wanna see, and it becomes pricy!
i love the lostprophets i wanna see them so bad!!
At 10:11pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
cool!! i would have seen mcr twice and fob twice, but i had no $$ the first time both bands came. but i have seen them both once so im happy!
i kinda sucked tho becoz the frist time fob played fs opend, and i also missed good charlotte too
At 10:05pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
i would love to see TAI, more and more bands r cumming to nz so its really cool, like enter shairki. but i would live to see motion city!!
At 9:27pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
the whole show was amazing for me lol. i was so happy i saw them!!
yeah you should!!
id love to see them!!
At 9:20pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
the first time i hurd "golden" i cryed, particks voice rejuced me to tears, i tell people all the time he has to one of the most talented voclaits in rock today! he amazing!!! ans hes a amazing producer! joe, haha he made the show so entertainin, with his spins and the trofro going every were lol not to mention hes an aminzing guitatist, and andy, can that man play the drums or what?? and his tats!!! i love tattos so much!! his are mind blowing!! ans when i met him, he treated me normal, and i respect pete wentz he shars his storys about depression and what not, and it helps, hes made so many other peoples dreams come ture with his record lable.
if people cant tell me the 4 names i kno there somthing wrong
At 9:08pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
panic! were the first big internation band i saw, 4th october 2006! lol
yeah like i was reading a interview andy hurly frm FOB did, and it was like "after you read the same thing on the net a thouand times, you start to believe it, you start to believe that FOB is all about pete wentz, or its just a 2 man band" it was really sad, becoz they all put so much into the bands!!!!!
At 8:59pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
yeah! like at MCR ppl were asking me who fav member was i was like, that band is my fav band in the world, they saved my life, they all put there hearts into that band, i cant pick!! and then they would be all gerards hot of frank and then got eyes rolled from me lol
At 8:51pm on December 8, 2007, Catherine said…
yeah! i cn most of the time too, but you kno? even thay get sick of them, like at the FOB show all the tennine boopers were all OMG PETE YOUR SO HOT!!!!!
and i was like holy fuck its fall out boy.








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