Jade's Comments

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At 3:02am on April 18, 2009, chadizta said…
who's armo?? i didn't know him..but tnx for the comment..
At 12:25am on April 18, 2009, dEfInE said…
gnUn??? ^_^

aTe anG cuTe mOh...
At 6:56pm on April 17, 2009, Leanne said…
i'll try my very best..hehe...i'd really love to meet you guys...
At 1:05pm on April 17, 2009, Leanne said…
thanks din...
At 10:06am on April 17, 2009, ming2x said…
thanks for the add! ur so sweet!
At 10:54am on April 15, 2009, mabel17 said…
sure! i know we'll be good friends!
btw..did you already see the alliance meet-up in the events section?
are you available next week april23 thursday around 6-9pm?
me, joy donabel xent and other alliance member will meet in Trinoma =)
if you're available i hope you'll come! that would be great XD

~stay cool! keep safe! rock on!
At 10:25am on April 15, 2009, nADz XD said…
that'd be insane, y'know, meeting them-- a few inches away from me. lol.
i'd go anywhere in the philippines for that. :]

it sucks tho, i should be earning money now.
guess it's gonna take a while.
oh congrats! :D what's your course btw? :]
At 7:12am on April 15, 2009, dEfInE said…
emo bAh mAxadO???

pRang hnD nMn eHh...

At 5:45am on April 14, 2009, Leah Felimer said…
hello...since when you've been playing guitar??i can play songs with simple guitar chords...^^
i'm still practicing how to play the "your guardian angel" song...i think i'm improving a bit now..hehe..
can you play your guardian angel??
At 7:50am on April 13, 2009, nADz XD said…
yea. definitely. :]
i wish my camera had 1000x zoom capacity. lol. but i had a few great pictures anyway. don't get me strated about that meet and greet, it's one of the most frustrating events of my existence. but it's okay, i won't miss out on it next time. :]

yep, thanks. graduated last march. Its the end of my student life and the start of unemployment. lol.
At 11:56am on April 12, 2009, nADz XD said…
true. :]
thanks for saying that. tho i don't think i'm cool, i'm a dork most of the time. lol.
it can't be helped that we listen to other artists, can't listen to just one band. i love mixing genres too, just not novelty or reggae. :-/

i wish they'd come back too and do a full blast concert. but i understand that it's not gonna be soon. a couple of years maybe. but i'm willing to wait. :]
At 11:39am on April 12, 2009, Leah Felimer said…
hi...so you can play the guitar??
i really want to learn how to play guitar....but i find it hard to memorize the chords...
At 2:36am on April 9, 2009, nADz XD said…
yep, i love their song I Caught Fire the most. :]
i hate stereotypes. Why cant i love two people of different musical genres right? Coz i love some rnb songs too. Doesn't mean that if i love alternatives, i hate everything else. that's just silly. haha. :D
At 11:25pm on April 8, 2009, dEfInE said…
hiNdi pOh boLa uN...

kXo hnD kOh rN aLm kUng pRa kNno uN eHh...

At 9:13am on April 8, 2009, nADz XD said…
thanks jade. :]
oops, sorry. Quezon city, i moved here 4 years ago.
i changed it already, thanks. :)
At 10:48pm on April 6, 2009, Leah Felimer said…
hello...tnx for the add...^^
At 9:27am on April 3, 2009, nADz XD said…
yep, saw it like 3 hours ago. My heart skipped a few beats. He's really the coolest guy to step on this planet. <3
At 7:54am on April 1, 2009, Vince said…
My friend? hehe Ronnie and Staci are my friends :)
At 9:37am on March 31, 2009, Vince said…
well there you go, thats how i got it...lol staci gave it to me... :)
At 2:42am on March 31, 2009, pancarockstar said…

nice to meet u...


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