Jade's Comments

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At 3:19am on January 3, 2012, Udy Allman said…

Hello Jade.. :)

are u still remember me..?? :)

At 2:29pm on January 26, 2011, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
that sounds cool. i've just been busy with my business and spendin time with my fiance. other than that i really haven't been up to much
At 12:34am on December 31, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
hey haven't talked to you in a while. been wonderin what you've been up to. mesage me back
At 4:48pm on September 15, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
i need a pick me up. hopefully you get online soon. and if you want to you can call me. if youlost my number its 734-644-0512
At 7:56pm on September 5, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
i've been good. workin hard at gettin another mustang. its been hell over in the states. but things are goin a lot better now
At 2:49am on August 29, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
i'm fine. how are you. work must be keepin you pretty busy. wht do you thik of the background on my page. hope to talk to you soon. later beautiful
At 10:03pm on August 17, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
miss you
At 11:34pm on July 29, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
eh. i've been workin a lot as well. i haven't gotten another mustang yet. i've got my eye on one tho. its a 95 GT. i should have one by the time you come to visit. i really look forward to meeting you tho. i think we'll have a lot of fun when you come to visit. well message me back soon. ttyl beautiful
At 1:58am on July 21, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
hey. you haven't been on in a while but thats probably cause you've been busy with work so message me back when you get online. talk to ya later beautiful
At 7:11pm on July 9, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
yeah that pic is of the mustang i was tellin you about. its pretty huh? the guy that hit me didn't pay for damages cause they tried to put the accident on me. and trust me i'll get another one. cause if and when you come visit, we gotta cruise in style. and the stuff in the blog that you didn't understand is all the stuff that was modified on my mustang.
At 2:05am on July 7, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
i posted some new pics on my page. one of them is of the mustang
At 2:57pm on June 29, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
yeah i never drink and drive. and i look forward to seein you too. so when you get to where you're not so busy and you can get some vacation time, it would be really cool if you could get out here and visit : )
At 1:53am on June 25, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
No i wasn't drunk drivin. LOL. i got t-boned on the passenger side of the car. oh... and you can just wait til you get more credits and post somethin on my page. OH.... are you still plannin on comin to visit the U.S. sometime? cause if you do, you should definitely come to michigan so we could possibly meet up and i'll show you around. I hope thats not too forward
At 11:11pm on June 18, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
hey i'm reall happy to hear back from you. i miss talkin to you. what kind of job do you have now? oh and i don't have my mustang anymore. it got totalled. it made me really sad. i hope u like the rose that i posted on your page
At 4:56pm on June 10, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion gave jade a gift
hey. miss talkin to ya
At 4:46pm on June 10, 2010, TrailerParkDysfunktion said…
hey jade. i haven't talked to you in a while nor have i been on my page lately either. but how are you doin. i'm doin good. message me back
At 1:08am on February 18, 2010, Udy Allman said…
hello jade... :)

i'm come back in here again....

how about you now..???
:D :D :D
At 11:48pm on February 7, 2010, jeremae said…
add me sa facebook... jeremae_esperat@y.c.
At 11:47pm on February 7, 2010, jeremae said…
matagal na ako sa site na to..di lang ako maxadong active..i like your style..
At 4:16pm on January 30, 2010, Riya. said…
d'aww thanks!

they're lame but I like SouthPark :L


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