Ronnie's Comments

Comment Wall (23 comments)

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At 1:52pm on November 16, 2009, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
hay what's your bands name? i'm (hopefully) going to start a band pretty soon, all i need is a bass and drummer ..(lol) i like your name, lugz ya byes =]
At 12:38am on September 22, 2008, Nino said…
hey dude! ^^
At 7:42pm on March 14, 2008, Maggie!Mayhem! said…
wats ur bands name?
At 7:13pm on February 9, 2008, Ronnielover15 said…
Not much I love RJA and you?
At 7:27pm on February 8, 2008, Abigail said…
Hey You!
At 9:32pm on January 28, 2008, Bridget Atkins said…
heyy whats upp
At 2:26pm on January 26, 2008, xxbreexx said…
so how are you?
At 5:30pm on January 25, 2008, Bridget Atkins said…
ya "kinda" is def the word they get lol
At 8:17pm on January 24, 2008, xxbreexx said…
hmm i'm sorry
At 8:51pm on January 23, 2008, Bridget Atkins said…
yaaa somethin else would probably be a better idea lol thank god my friends dont do that there kinda normal
At 7:00pm on January 23, 2008, Bridget Atkins said…
they sound pretty funny acutally but that jackass stuff.... ya not the best stuff to do lol
At 6:20pm on January 23, 2008, xxbreexx said…
pretty much the usual. BOREDOM . lmao.
how about you?
At 5:43pm on January 23, 2008, Bridget Atkins said…
haha ya might wanna fihure that out lol i'd hang out with u lol
At 12:48pm on January 23, 2008, Bridget Atkins said…
if they suk they why do u hang out with them ? haha
At 8:34pm on January 22, 2008, Bridget Atkins said…
; ) lol so whats up
At 9:06pm on January 20, 2008, emilyBUM said…
hey , how are you ? x
At 5:58pm on January 20, 2008, Bridget Atkins said…
thnx<3 so it must be kinda weird when ppl randomly come up to u and say that but also kinda cool i guess? lol
At 5:26pm on January 20, 2008, xxbreexx said…
nm. u?
and yea i'm new too<3
At 4:13pm on January 20, 2008, Bridget Atkins said…
sounds just like me lol
did anyone ever tell u ur cute ? haha random i know but i thought u would like to know =D
At 9:38am on January 20, 2008, Anna FCKIN Apparatus said…
Hey heyy

im new

talk to me?









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