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Nicholas 'Doggie' Luke's Comments
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And yes it really does!
I know this is random but i hate skool!!
Im working on a project and i hate it!!
Im soooo confused with my life!!
How do you know her?
xD Hby?
Do u see her around skool?
But if u still want to be friends then just go up to her and tell her that its bugging you!!
soo wsp?
Whats ur book about?
Are u going to be a writer when ur older or wat?
I could get a B maybe in 10 minutes!
I want to write songs soooo bad but im not very good at it!
I have some lyrics but thats it....
I know that ur probably upset about the break but u got such an amazing song out of it!!
How long did it take to write it?
Im I one of those friends jk!
Can i here the song when its done?
If i was there u would get a big hug!! LOL
Nun much just bord and confussed!
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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com
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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies
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